You think we have New Students?

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Could Today get any more boring? I thought as I sat in History class as Mrs. Vanderbilt, blabed on about How for History we had to read page 35,37, and 40 as she continued on about Mesopotamia. "I think My boredom is getting bored itself" Georg whispered from his desk behind me, "What he said." Gustav said whispering from behind me next to Georg. As I turned to look out the window it started lightly sprinkling outside hitting the window, you could still see the Sunshine peaking out from the clouds, it was Beautiful.

The phone on the wall began to ring, Mrs.Vanderbilt quickly made her way to the other side of the room as she picked up the phone and began to talk. "Oh they're here? Yes yes, mhm, Yes! Room 32 indeed. Got ya mhm you can send them over right away, tata!" She said, placing the phone down, the whole class looked confused I could tell that just from behind me Georg and Gustav were just as confused as I. "You think we have new students?" Gustav leaned over from behind me, Georg leaned in to listen to the both of us. "If so they better save themselves from a hell hole of this school."

I whispered to Gustav, Georg and Gustav both started snickering at the smart remark I made. 3 minutes later there was a knock at the door, "Ooooh! They're here!" Mrs.Vanderbilt said, walking to the door as she opened it. Two boys were revealed behind the door "Is this room 32?" One with Hair covering his right eye asked, as the other next to him with dreads and a lip piercing nodded "Indeed welcome my dears!" Mrs.Vanderbilt said showing the boys inside, "She's like The Witch from Hansel and Gretel luring the kids inside so she can eat them!" Georg said mocking Mrs.Vanderbilts fake appearance, Gustav started snickering but I couldn't help I busted out laughing as the whole class turned to us.

"Is there anything funny you would like to share with the Class Ms. L/N?" "No Ma'am! nothing funny at all, sorry." She looked at me with a nasty look before turning back to the boys that were now standing in front of the class. The boys looked a tad bit nervous the one with the hair covering his right eye looked more nervous than the one with dreads, "Class these our new students I've been talking about." That my friends was a lie. Not once did she ever bring up anything about new students and plus that woman was so un- organized I bet those pages for homework were the wrong ones for crying out loud!

"Would you boys like to introduce yourselves?" They both noded, "Hallo, my name is Tom Kaulitz!"the one with dreads, the lip piercing, and baggy clothing said. "Hallo, my name is Bill Kaulitz." The one next to Tom with hair covering his right eye said, the more I looked at the boys the more I noticed that they both looked like twins. well Duh Y/N, they have the same last name of course they're related! I noticed that in their voices they had a Accent that sounded German! Just like Georg and Gustav.
I on the other hand didn't have a German accent at all. My Mother was from out of state when she met my Father on a trip to Berlin when they were younger. My father had a thick accent when he first met my Mother. My Mother often had troubles understanding him but she eventually caught on to what he would say. She on the other hand had a American accent. Over time my Father had been around my mother so much he started to catch on to her accent.

His thick German accent was still there but not as thick anymore. I guess me being around my Mother and Father's accent combined my Mother's American accent and my Father's not as thick German accent into my own accent. Sure I could say a few things in German and understand most conversations but my Father never really took the time to teach me any, sure he taught me some words and phrases here and there but I mainly had to pick up bits from school and my friends.

"You boys can sit next to Y/N on the seats next to her and infront of Gustav and Georg." Mrs.Vanderbilt said pointing to us all as we waved the boys over. Tom sat on the right side of me as Bill sat on the left, something about these boys were special I could feel it and I knew that I was right...

A/N: Heeeeey! What's up my Fellow readers I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this book! I enjoyed making this for you all I hope you guys are having a Great, Morning, Day, Evening, and Night! I love you all so much thank you all for all your Support!❤

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