The chief police officer never did, fortunately; although, the impression still left a slight sting in Solbitna's chest. She could not fathom the excruciating emotion that bore in the pit of her stomach knowing that the tenants also felt tyrannized by her father as much as she did. Yoon Solbitna could not understand why her father had to be so...unlikeable. There are some people in the world who—despite their obnoxious manners—still carry agreeable attributes with them; but according to her, Mr. Yoon's good-natured characteristics were too imperceptible that his propensity to change seemed so far-fetched.

After greeting the tenants, the seventeen year old dragged her feet upstairs over to her and her sister's bedroom. She closed the door behind her and trudged towards her bed where she felt her frail body collapse instantly. She buried her face deep into the pillow and laid still in the silence for a few moments, listening to the muffled noises of everyone's laughter and conversations from downstairs. Afterwards, she repositioned herself so she was sitting on the bed. Her eyes, which had no more light in them, were fixed on the door.

     "I'm so exhausted..." she mumbled to the air. "Going home—its too exhausting."

If the bells at school never rang through the intercoms, Solbitna swore that she would feel enlightened. The past version of herself would probably despise it because she never had the patience to wait for lectures to end; however, the circumstances have changed now. Solbitna no longer felt like wanting to leave; if she could, she would choose to stay. To her, being locked up in a private institution forever seemed more of a wiser decision than staying in the boarding house with a father she could not stand at all.

After nights of barely getting two hours of sleep from preparing for the midterm exams, fatigue quickly took over Yoon Solbitna. She could not feel or think properly anymore. Before she could even change out of her school uniform, have dinner with everyone, and review her exam notes for the second day of the midterms, Solbitna already lost herself into deep sleep.

May 13, 1997

     "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Yoon!" Kang Pureom exclaimed forcefully as the four of them stepped out of his Hyundai Accent. It was a strange thing for the man to offer all of them a ride to school but they could not let the opportunity slip by, therefore, they accepted it anyway they were.

     "Thank you!" The two boys repeated before they shut the door.

Mr. Yoon rolled down his windows. There was a particular light on his face that veiled his usual perversity. "Don't stay out too late partying," he addressed to them, smiling. He pulled out what seemed to be a mini stun gun from his beverage holder. "You know what'll happen if you do."

The trio stiffened at the man's intimidating banter and Seora turned her face away to roll her eyes.

     Park Jimin let out a sardonic laugh. "You're a scary person, Mr. Yoon." His tensed body language indicated a distinct inclination to withdraw while the three other figures remained silent in agitation.

     "I'm just foolin' around with you, kid." The man laughed awkwardly. "Alright, I'll see you later. Take care!" And with that, he pressed the accelerator and they watched him drive off onto the street with his windows down.

Their physiques and countenance relaxed promptly at his departure. They all sighed in relief.

     "Not to be rude to you or anything, Seora, but—" insinuated Kang Pureom as they entered the gates of Yonsei University. "I know he's your Dad but I really dislike that man." Jimin and Taehyung almost punched her on the face for bringing up the topic but considering her no-filter attitude, they knew she was unstoppable.

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