Meanwhile, in bed, Chanyeol was a whole other person. The same playfulness was there, but it was more like a teasing kind of playfulness; it was like he knew he could hit you hard and intoxicate you like a strong liquor would, and he took pride in knowing that he had that kind of power over you, that he could make you lightheaded as if you had been drinking all night.

You had been each other's go-to fucks for about two months now. He was the only guy you had slept with more than twice, and as far as you knew, he hadn't been sleeping with anyone else either.

The two of you had grown really close since you had lunch with Minseok during the start of the term and Minseok wasn't as surprised as you expected him to be. He said that he had a feeling that you and Chanyeol would get along from the first time the two of you hung out on that Thursday night.

You still saw Minseok around, but not as much as before. His schedule was a lot different than yours, and the person who had the most similar schedule to yours among your friends was Chanyeol. This was part of the reason why the two of you had grown fond of each other. Another reason was that you both had a three-hour vacant period after your philosophy class on Mondays, and Chanyeol lived pretty near school and... Let's just say that the two of you spent those three hours having fun.

Chanyeol got off the bed to get rubber from his bedside drawer. He placed the packet on top of your stomach that was still frantically rising up and down as you caught your breath to recover from what he did.

"Please put it on me," he asked. "I'm spent from all your squirming and groaning."

"Wow, sorry for tiring you so much," you sarcastically said as you panted.

Chanyeol lied down beside you. You sat up and climbed on him, planting soft kisses on his warm lips as you covered him up.

After doing work on his neck and leaving not-so-subtle marks on it, you shuddered as you took him in gradually, your insides still buzzing from when you first went off.

Chanyeol's size wasn't something you could get used to. How deep he went surprised you every single time you had him and you could tell from the smug smile on his lips that he knew exactly what you were thinking about right now. He was too conceited for his own good, but you didn't dare to say anything because at the moment, he had the right to be.

Your fingertips dug onto his skin, his broad shoulders as firm as a wall. You would know how hard he worked out because you went with him to the gym every Friday when you didn't have classes. Whenever a guy would hit at you there, he would introduce himself as your brother and talk like the beagle he was until the creep who came up to you finally gave up and left you alone.

You breathed heavily as your thrusts went slower and slower. Your arms felt like acid as you struggled not to combust on top of him. For the second time today, you were about to explode; one sharp move and you could shatter into a million pieces.

Chanyeol noticed this so he took your lips between his and quickly turned you around while managing to stay inside you; you were now the one pinned down. He then began thrusting hard in and out of you.

The familiar tingling sensation returned to your stomach and flowed down through your lower body as you felt yourself clamping down on him.

He removed his lips from yours to utter incoherent words—probably vulgarities—before settling his mouth on the skin where your collarbones protruded.

Your nails raked through his back as you became undone. Chanyeol followed soon after and the two of you quivered from your highs as if the temperature in his room suddenly dropped.

He gave you a deep kiss before pulling out of you.

You closed your eyes and tried to ease your breathing for a while before you stood up and grabbed your clothes lying on the floor. Chanyeol was sprawled on the bed, his enormous arm span taking most of the space as he stared at the ceiling, looking dazed.

"Can I borrow your Philo notes from the previous meeting? I fell asleep during the lecture on freedom and accountability," you asked as you buttoned your jeans.

"Yeah, sure," he replied, his voice strained. "I'll e-mail them to you later."

You tied your hair up in a bun to save yourself from the hassle of untangling them.


"Why don't you cuddle?" Chanyeol suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"I don't like it. It's weird," you lied. You wanted to, but it didn't seem appropriate. You and Chanyeol were just sleeping around; nothing more, nothing less. "Besides, we're not in that kind of relationship," you added. That was the truth.

"Hmm... Fair point," he admitted. "But why are you always rushing to leave?"

"Uh, it's your place so I kind of have to leave first. But today I really need to get out of here fast because it's my mom's birthday and my family agreed to eat dinner together."

"Want me to drive you?" Chanyeol offered.

"Thanks, but I'm good," you declined as you finished tying up your shoelaces. Besides, you didn't want to deal with your parents questioning you if Chanyeol was your boyfriend all throughout the meal.

Your folks have been sensitive about you dating again after the tragedy that was your previous relationship. They saw you break down more times than you liked, and ever since, they have been constantly checking if you were doing okay with school, with your friends, or just with life in general, like the caring people they were.

You've been single for almost a year now, and you've managed to somehow convince your parents that you were done with romantic relationships and that you were fine with just yourself and your friends, and you didn't want them to think that you were seeing someone again when they see Chanyeol.

Suddenly, you had war flashbacks from when they thought you and Minseok were dating. You loved him so much as your best friend, but the thought of your parents assuming that the two of you were more than that was disturbing and gross. Besides, you knew who Minseok was in love with.

You left Chanyeol's room and went downstairs to gulp down a glass of water before you leave. His heavy footsteps were closely following you behind.

You headed to the kitchen as Chanyeol sat in front of his work desk to continue working on this stupid song that he wouldn't shut up about. You tried opening the file once to check his progress but he got mad and said that he didn't want you to hear it until it was completely finished. You left his computer alone after he got mad because it felt weird seeing Chanyeol like that.

"I'm leaving," you announced as you placed the empty glass on the kitchen sink.

"Okay," Chanyeol replied absentmindedly as he stared at chord progressions on the monitor.

You grabbed your shoulder bag from the couch near his work desk and quickly planted a kiss on his cheek before you headed out for the door.

Chanyeol suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you in for a deeper kiss on the lips.

You shook your head as he pulls away. "That was just a friendly kiss on the cheek, Yeol. You get too carried away sometimes."

He scoffed. "Yeah, right."

You rolled your eyes at him. "You're too much sometimes, honestly," you mumbled.

"Hmm? What was that?"

"I said you're an obnoxious prick," you said as you left his unit, hearing him laugh as you closed the door behind you. You found yourself smiling as well.

You rested your back against the door for a while, taking a deep breath to wake you up from the trance of all that happened behind that door. You started walking towards the elevators until you saw a familiar pair of shoes, making you stop dead in your tracks.

"What the fuck were you doing in Chanyeol's place?" He asked as you slowly looked up at him, confirming what you were thinking.

He was also coming out from another unit, his hair messed up and his lips tinted from what suspiciously looked like smudged lipstick. The way he looked didn't scream that he had just sex; it was just shouting into a microphone.

The two of you stared at each other with a mix of horror and confusion painted on your faces as you both gauged the situation.

It was your brother, Baekhyun.

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