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The tension in the air was thick. You could feel it weighing down on your body, like an invisible force pinning you in your seat.

You were riding shotgun in Chanyeol's car, on the way to his place. He kept his eyes on the road, his hands on the steering wheel, and his mouth shut. He hasn't said a word since you left school together.

Something bad must have happened.

Chanyeol was rarely this quiet, even at times when his mood was not the best. He would always find a way to talk about something, anything, even if he didn't want to. He wasn't one to ruin the mood—he usually creates the mood, but there he was, his lips pressed into a thin line, his usually bright face covered in a frown. He was taking deep breaths through his nose as if he was preventing himself from combusting.

You haven't seen him this angry.

As you arrived in his unit, the atmosphere sort of cooled down. He still hadn't said a word, but he looked more composed than he did while driving.

"Which topic do you want to work on for our second synthesis paper?" You cautiously asked, careful not to raise your tone. The brightest people were usually the ones who were the most scary when they were angry, and you didn't want to push Chanyeol to the edge even if you weren't sure what he was mad about.

About a week ago, Mr. Lee, your philosophy professor, grouped the class into pairs to work on a synthesis paper. He assigned another write up for this week, so you and Chanyeol had to work together again. You mutually agreed to do the paper at his place.

Seeing Chanyeol like this, however, made you want to run straight for the door.

"How about writing a paper on knowing the truth and respect for persons?" He suggested. His tone was heavy with sarcasm.

You know what he was mad about.

Your lips were trembling. Your eyes stung, threatening to spill tears. Your hands began fidgeting on the hem of your sweater. A cold wave washed through your entire body.

How did he know?


Chanyeol looked at you. His eyes were red like he was about to cry. His fists were balled up at his sides. He was mad, all right. He was mad at you.

"You really didn't expect Sehun to keep quiet about it, did you?"

You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole. You wanted to magically disappear into thin air. You wanted to melt into your clothes instead of having to face the big fat mess in front of you. You wanted to leave.

But you saw this coming.

You knew this would happen the moment you let Sehun kiss you. You knew the consequences of spending the night at his place, but you still did it anyway.

If there was an award for the dumbest piece of shit in the world, you've won it.

You saw this coming, and even though you wanted to burst into tears and start apologizing to Chanyeol, you knew what you had to do. This was what you had wanted to happen anyway, it only happened sooner than you expected.

You swallowed back your emotions.

"Why are you so pressed about it?"

Chanyeol smiled—the sick kind of smile a person did when they were so tired of everything; a defeated smile. Tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"Jesus fucking Christ, let me think about it," he ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands like he wanted to pull it off. "I guess it's because I'm not really a big fan of sharing the girl I'm seeing with one of my friends."

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