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You smiled as you watched everyone exchanging jokes with one another.

Baekhyun was imitating some celebrity, earning hysterical laughs from Jongdae and Jongin. Sehun and Yixing were shouting suggestions at Baekhyun of who to impersonate next. Minseok had his arm draped around Ji-eun's shoulder while she giggled at the guys' silliness.

Kyungsoo walked away laughing from the commotion to help you remove bottle caps from the beer bottles.

"It's nice to have everyone together again, isn't it?" You asked him.


You were back in your family's beach house to celebrate your graduation with your friends.

The past two years have been full of ups and downs, but there you were, smiling at the sight of all your friends hanging out together as if the bad things that happened were all a bad dream. The only thing that mattered right now was how happy everyone was feeling.

Baekhyun got a job at his dream production company, so you only got to see him a few days per week. He took a break from work just to celebrate with you and your friends and while that may seem like a small thing, it meant everything to you. He and Kyungsoo were on good terms now, after you explained to him the truth of what happened between the two of you.

Ji-eun and Minseok got back together last year, and you couldn't be happier for them. Seeing the two of them end up together after everything they went through made you believe in love again.

You grew closer with Jongin and Sehun after Chanyeol left for a scholarship offer in Japan.

It would be better if Chanyeol was also here, but everything was okay as it was. You didn't have anything to complain about right now.

You haven't talked to him in two years, but not a single day passed that you didn't think about him. Your feelings for him remained the same and you missed him terribly. Every day you wondered if he still felt the same way, if he still had the same answer for you after all this time, and your heart hurt when you thought about him forgetting about you.

In order to distract yourself from those thoughts, you kept yourself as busy as you could. You put in extra effort in school, and in the end, you graduated with honors on your Creative Writing degree.

You still didn't know what to do with your life, and when you asked Minseok about his plans for the future, he said that he would work at a publication house for a short while before he pursued his master's degree and eventually earned his PhD.

Jongin and Sehun both planned to apply for the same dance company after the summer. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, earned a degree in Theatre Arts and was scouted by a theater production company after seeing him act in a movie that he starred in for his thesis requirement. He will begin working for them the month after the next.

All the talk about the future made you anxious for yours and wonder about Chanyeol's. Every day you fought the urge to call him and ask how he has been doing for the past two years, but your pride and worry got the best of you. You were ready to finally talk to him and give him your answer, but you were afraid that he wasn't.

You shook your head to clear your thoughts. You reminded yourself that you were here to have a good time with your friends and to not worry about anything else.

"Okay, every single beer bottle is open. Who's ready to get drunk?" Kyungsoo announced as he brought the ice chest full of booze into the living room.

Everyone grabbed a bottle.

Baekhyun stood up and held his bottle up high, proposing a toast. "This is for my sister and her friends who just got out of the shithole that's also known as college! Welcome to the real world and I hope you all stay employed for a long time!"

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