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The last time you let yourself get played by a guy, you swore an oath to yourself that you would never get attached to anyone ever again and look like the fragile little thing that all men stereotyped women to be. That was the reason why you always did it in his place, never yours, because you wanted to be the one to sneak out after the deed and make him wonder why you didn't wake him up or waited for him to do so, instead of the other way around.

As you got dressed, you looked at Chanyeol sleeping soundly. His arm was sprawled over what was your side of the bed, probably not noticing that it was now cold and empty. His ears were still red from what the two of you did a few hours ago, looking out of place in contrast to the softness of his face as he slept deeply.

You took one last look at him before you headed out the door, wondering for themillionth time if he could finally be the last guy that you used as a scapegoatto cope with the gaping hole that has been lingering in your chest for the pastsix months.

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