
Jungkook met haein' family a few months after they started dating. On their first meeting, his little sister kept staring at the pretty boy throughout the whole dinner while his parents made small conversation with him.

When the dinner was over, The pretty boy confronted her.

"Why were you staring at me like that?"his twenty year old self asked her.

"I wasn't." She said, twirling her blonde hair. She was a fine woman. A bit short but really energetic. She had the same eyes of her father and brother and her blonde hair was inherited from her mother. She was pretty.

"Yes, you were."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, I was. I saw how my brother was looking at you, so tried to see what he actually saw in you."

The twenty year old him blushed.

Haein was looking at The pretty boy the whole time!

"Now will you excuse me, I have assignments to complete." With that she went to her room, leaving The pretty boy bewildered.

Jisoo and Jungkook had a platonic relationship. At one time, they were close friends and the other they acted like they didn't knew each other.

It was a mutual understanding of between them, but everything changed after the incident.

The pretty boy haven't heard from anybody back in Busan and almost 3years later, he receive her 'wedding invitation'. but Too bad he won't be attending it.

"Mr Jeon?" The pretty boy snapped out of his reverie and saw the doctor standing in front of him. He hands The pretty boy a notepad and asked him to sign in few boxes. He signed them quickly and get out of the white walls.

The pretty boy felt a presence behind him. he turned back and saw his appa standing, holding the card in his rough and warm hands. His broad shoulders are slumped and his grey hair shows his age. His pale grey eyes are looking at The pretty boy with concern as his grip tightens around the paper.

"I'm not going. Send me to a mental asylum or throw me back to a preschool, don't care. I am not going." The pretty boy emphasized the word 'not'.

The old man's face was determined and stoic. "You will go there. Attend the ceremony and will engage in conversation with the others."

The pretty boy's jaw clenched in anger and his eyes shoot daggers to his appa.


The old man rolled his eyes. "Don't create a scene, Jungkook. Let's go home."

"My home is not here and you know it."

An emotion passes in the old man's pale eyes but he covered it. "We'll talk later. Let's go back." His voice was gruff and yet stern.

An hour later, The pretty boy was sitting in a sofa with Jimin while his parents engage in a private conversation or at least they tried to. They were whispering too loudly.

"You can't do this to him!" The pretty boy heard his mom's whispered yell .

"It's for his own good. he has to mourn."

"Look at him! he went into a shock. How do you think he will react when he goes back to that house? Trapped in four walls with people he has learned to despise?!" his mom gritted her teeth in anger.

"We both know he doesn't despise them!" his mom mother opened her mouth to speak but closes it. "It's for the best. he has to move on and this is the biggest opportunity."

The wretched card was in Jimin's hand. His eyes are moving in a very fast speed as he read every word on it and started squealing like a rat.

"Oh my God! You didn't tell me you had connections with the Kim's! That's so awesome! If I were in your place, I would have taken the first ticket back to sweet Busan." he tried to hug The pretty boy but The pretty boy stopped him.

A Chance To Make Things Right-(TaeKook- BXB) Cmplt✅Where stories live. Discover now