Chapter 25 - Help me understand

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Side note:

I ask for every reader to please read the message that will be left at the end of this chapter! Thank you!


You would've kept your mouth shut if you had known this would be the outcome of confessing to Takashi.

Although finally telling someone about your constant memory holes felt like thousands of weights came off your shoulders.

But here you were, in that same depressive hospital room with who knows how many wires on your skin near your heart and brain.

You would've also refrained from telling Takashi your secret if you had known the reaction he would've had. In summary, he looked at you with the biggest round eyes, his eyebrows raised, his mouth slightly open as his eyes started to gloss. He took a minute to process your question. However, when he did, he asked you to repeat the question and make sure it was indeed what he'd heard.

That terrifying look he gave you did not help you in any way. In fact, it stressed you out.

The walls of the hospital were as bland as ever. Shades of gray and white lingered everywhere, and to make it worse, the ceiling was a popcorn ceiling, a design you hated more than anything.

Countless nurses would enter and exit your room; they all had a distressed look. You were worn out, exhausted.

The number of tests they performed on you tired you out, physically and mentally.

Your eye bags were clearly visible as your eyes narrowed in sleep deprivation. You know this feeling where you absolutely want to sleep to the point where it's impossible to keep your eyes open? Yeah, that's what you felt as of right now. The nurses asked you not to fall asleep; they didn't know what was wrong with your memory and would rather keep you awake if you had bigger brain damage than they saw and thought. In other words, they were avoiding a coma.

So, they basically drugged you with Modafinil, which didn't necessarily take away your sleepiness, but definitely made it unable for you to fall asleep.

If there were one thing you weren't looking forward to, it would be Chifuyu's reaction to all of this. You've stressed him out enough already; why add on more?

To your unliking, that moment came sooner than you would've expected.

He was now sitting on a chair on the right side of your hospital bed, looking straight at the floor.

Honestly, when he entered the room, your heart dropped, or more like it sped up, you're sure of it thanks to that content beep pattern that suddenly changed besides you.

He didn't make eye contact with you ever since you entered the room. It made you even more nervous when he finally broke the silence.

"Did they tell you your test results?" He asked. Hearing something besides silence reassured you, but hearing him speak startled you.

You shook your head in response. The nurse hadn't given you the results of your tests yet, which honestly didn't necessarily reassure you since you were sure they had gotten them by now.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? About your memory loss?" He asked, a lump forming in his throat; you could hear it in his voice.

You looked down at your hands, clenching the covers before you.

"I didn't want to stress you out..." you replied, which he answered with a sigh.

You heard his body shift when barely a second later, you felt one hand on your head pushing you towards his chest.

"That's stupid," He said just barely above a whisper.

What reassured you was his chuckle. You felt all of your anxiety vanish when you saw his smile, although you couldn't see him against his chest.

He stayed there but broke off the hug. "It's dissociative amnesia (Y/n)."

You chuckled, pretty much sure that that was the case.

"you know what sucks about this? It's the fact that his name rings a bell, the fact that every time I've heard it so far, my heart clenched, and my palms become sweaty... All of this happens, but I have no idea why. And not knowing is the worst possible feeling alive." You smiled at him, though on the brink of tears.

"Please help me, Chifuyu. Tell me who this Baji was exactly to me. Name me memories I had with him. Even if I don't remember, filling up those gaps in my memory will put me a little more at ease."

He smiled calmly and genuinely back at you. He wasn't mad in any way. Instead, he cared about you, and he wanted to help you out in any specific way he could. That's all he needed to be happy.


Authors note:

Sorry, everyone. I know I said more chapters were coming up, but I didn't expect to be so loaded with homework and have a prominent writer's block. In all honesty, I don't know where to take this story, especially since the manga isn't finished. I want this story to make sense with the entire manga, so I'm hesitating on many parts of the story. For example, whether (Y/n) should be a part of the Tenjiku arc or not, or where (Y/n) will be later on in the story, specifically in the manga's current arc. The ending could entirely change my story. For example, if Chifuyu, Takemichi, or any other character among Toman were to die (besides those already dead), this ff would entirely change. And rather than blindly going along with the story and adding chapters, I'd like for this story to make sense and not find myself stuck if a character dies and be unable to make changes. The way the manga ends will have a significant impact on this story. This is why I promise you all that when the manga reaches its end, I will have a clear idea of how I want this story to end and that chapters will be uploaded at least per week.

Thank you all for your patience and heartwarming (along with the funny) comments you leave on this ff. If it weren't for them, I would've given up on this story a while ago. Although I may be absent writing-wise, I always read every comment left on this story, and I am not kidding. Every 400+ comments left on this story I have read.

Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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