Chapter 3 - Promises

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*Highly recommend listening to the music above while reading^^^*

November 1st. 

"(Y/n)... I'll bring you home." Mikey suggested as he looked at you. He gave you that look, a look that made you feel weak. He was worried about you. But you couldn't get mad at him for something so dumb, especially right now.

"Thanks Mikey, but I'm fine. I'd like to go to a few places anyways before heading home. Thank you though"

"I know you're strong. But be careful. It's late" He replied.

"I will. Thanks" You gave him a weak smile before you started heading out.

All the important members of Toman were there, watching you leave as they all looked sadly into your direction. They didn't know you all too well. But based off of what Baji had told them and off of what you said to Kazutora just now, you really were an amazing girl with a kind heart. Even after everything that'd happen, they're sure that your heart is quite broken. Yet you still have space to be kind to others.


Your way back home was the longest walk of your entire life. You told Mikey you'd stay on your guard, but as of right now, the only thing going through your head as you walk down the lit up streets; were Baji and your sister. 

To be honest, you couldn't care less for what could happen to you as of right now.

You passed by a park. There were people, they looked like high schoolers. They didn't look like good news either. But you couldn't care less right now.

"Hey you!" They called out. 

You simply continued walking, not even bothering to look into their direction.

That is until they surrounded you. You looked back up at them.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing, out here alone?" One of them said with a creepy smile

"Did your boyfriend break up with you pretty girl?"

"I don't mind taking his spot." One said as he reached to touch your shoulder.

Before they could. You slapped his hand away, catching them by surprise. 


 "Who the hell do you think you are you little brat." One of them punched you. 

You still didn't bother looking back at them. They kept punching, pulling and kicking you. Yet you still stood tall.

"Hey... can I let out my frustration too?"

The boys looked at her with a confused expression but before they could answer you, you kicked the boys head into the other boy next to him, nocking the both of them out. 

Before the other 2 could react you kicked one in the guts and uppercut the other one.

The one who got kicked in the guts was on the ground still conscious holding onto his stomach. You got on top of him and threw punches into his face left and right, letting all of your frustration out. 

Heavy burning tears ran down your face, as your hands started to feel the wetness of the boys blood. 

Your hands started to hurt as well. But all of it didn't matter to you anymore.

Your teeth clenched harder and your tears started to blur your vision as you continued to punch the boy. But before you could give him another punch, someone grabbed your wrist. You flinched at the certain interaction, gasping as you were snapped back into reality.

Her Yuyake 夕焼け [Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now