Chapter 17 - Meeting

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"It's nice to meet you, Taiju," Mitsuya addressed.

"So you're that Mitsuya fucker who's been manipulating, my little bro." He returned, clearly offensively.

"That's the accusation," Mitsuya answered, utterly smiling back.

"I'll kick your ass." The older Shiba continued, not bothering even to seem respectful. It sincerely pissed you off.

Here you all were. Hakkai, Takemichi, Chifuyu, and yourself stood behind the couch in which Mitsuya rested. In front of you stood the two men who kept a hold of you and knocked you out, Inui and Koko. And the one relaxing on the couch was no one other than Taiju, the scoundrel brother.

You knew Hakkai was presumably stressing the shit out of himself as of right now. Takemichi was probably mentally gulping. Chifuyu was reasonably trying to stay as calm as he could. And lastly, you couldn't help but occasionally give cold glares to the two men who knocked you out a few days prior.

"So? What did you wanna tell me? Better keep it short." Taiju uttered.

"I'll give Hakkai to the Black Dragons; I'll never see him again." Mitsuya's words surprised you just as much as Taiju and Takemichi.

"What?! You can't be serious, Mitsuya!" He protested.

"That's funny. Didn't you come here to stop that from happening?" Taiju blurted out, unmistakably pissed out yet amused.

"In exchange, set Yuzuha free."


'What? Yuzuha? Free? What's going on?'  Mitsuya's recent words trailed in the back of your mind, in which he received a tsk by Taiju's part.

"Taka-chan, why are you..." Hakkai attempted conversing but fell on deaf ears as Mitsuya ostracized him.

"Taiju, you're having Yuzuha do something, aren't you?"

You slightly flinched to the words, recalling back to the time where he tried to simply KO his little sister. You narrowed your eyes as you paid close attention to what Taiju had to say.

"Hakkai's been protecting Yuzuha this whole time from your domestic violence."

"What a joke!" He grinned.

"Hakkai's not leaving Toman because he's scared of you. He's doing it to protect Yuzuha!" Mitsuya shouted.

But before any of them knew it, Taiju had gotten up and punched Mitsuya. Well, that's what they all thought in the very few milliseconds that went down. However, after a second or two, they'd realized that the punch had been caught by (Y/n).

Her quick reaction time caught everyone off-guard, even the Black Dragons, as she held Taiju's fist in her hand.

Mitsuya did end up getting hit just a little bit, but thanks to (Y/n)'s quick reflex, it slowed down the punch, making it just a little less painful than it would've been.

"Hey, not bad!" The psychotic brother asserted, smiling crazily at both Mitsuya and yourself.

"You'd make a sharp asset in my gang." He smirked at you, which resulted in you narrowing your eyes even more.

"I'll say it again. I'll give Hakkai to the Black Dragons. So let Yuzuha go!" He stated, this time raising his voice louder than before.

You let go of Taiju's fist. As he stood upright again, so did you. This time you stayed next to Mitsuya, still narrowing your eyes at that psychotic bastard.

"If you accept these terms, Toman will leave the Black Dragons alone."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then it's all about war."

Silence. Not an inconvenient one that is.

"All right," The man smirked, "We got a truce."

Both of them shook hands.

"Though I don't commit any domestic violence... I'll keep my word. I won't ever hit Yuzuha again."


"So in the end, Hakkai ended up going to the Black Dragons..." Chifuyu conversed.

"Yeah, but I learned one thing... Hakkai will definitely kill Taiju for Yuzuha's sake." Takemichi joined.

All of you were now outside. You stood with Takemichi and Chifuyu, a few steps behind Hakkai and Mitsuya. However, all of you were close enough to hear each other.

"Taka-chan, thank you," Hakkai uttered. "I..."

"Hakkai, no matter how hard things get..." He took a short break before turning around and facing you all. "Only use your strength to protect."

Everyone was surprised by what he'd just said, though you not as much.

"Taka-chan..." Hakkai teared up.

"Don't ever hate the situation you were born into."

Those words. Those words were the ones that grabbed your attention. Mitsuya has always had his way with words. But those, for some reason, really hit you far into the heart.

Your once fixated eyes on the ground were now fixated on the boy who spoke those harmful yet beautiful words. Your breath slightly hitched at the sight of it.

You knew those words were addressed to Hakkai, but for some reason, you couldn't help but wonder if he remembered you and if he slightly meant for those words to be targeted to you too.

All of your thoughts were confirmed when Mitsuya not only smiled at Hakkai but also at you.

Did he remember you all of this time? Did he figure out that you finally remembered too?

Mitsuya only knew you when you were the happy girl, with a pleasant life and a fortunate and loving family. He never met your family lifestyle as it is now.

But maybe he knew. Perhaps he knew that deep down, you wished your life could've been different. Maybe he knew the amount of regret you hold.

You still gazed at him with wide eyes and your mouth slightly open when soon after, he smiled as he turned around, continuing his path.

You dreamed that one day, you'd be able to continue walking forwards, continue walking your path as you let your past grow distant from you. You genuinely hope that one day, you'll be able to move on from all the pain.

Move on from it, but not forget it.

Although your mind was still elsewhere, you'd failed to see the captivatingly gentle and loving smile Chifuyu had as he gazed at you.

Mitsuya's words from earlier still hindered in his mind.

"She doesn't seem to remember me."

Though to Chifuyu, he was confident that you did remember Mitsuya. Why else would you be responding that way? It made him sincerely happy because he knew precisely just what you were thinking, and he couldn't wait to see the day where you take a step forward as well. 


Authors Note:

(1056 words)

Sorry the chapter today is shorter than the rest. The next one is one long scene and putting it with this chapter would've simply been too long. 

*side note*

To be honest I'd love to write a Mitsuya ff one day but as of right now I am way too busy and way too lazy. I'm definitely going to finish this one unlike my Todoroki x reader one that has been on hiatus for almost like 8 months now 😃. 

I'll probably get motivation to continue writing my Todoroki x reader one, because honestly I had the entire story planned out, and I still do. I just lost motivation to continue it since I was spending so much time on it and it barely was getting any recognition. I'm certain that if it ever does it'll definitely make me want to continue it! :)

Her Yuyake 夕焼け [Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora