Chapter 16 - Recollection

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"(Y/n)!! Can you push me on that swing, please??" a 5-year-old little girl asked.

You stopped doing whatever you were doing as you calmly got up, smiling at the little girl in front of you.

You brought your hand on her head and playfully rubbed her hair. "Sure!" You smiled at her with your eyes closed as she pouted. She grabbed your hand from her head and dragged you to the swings.

She laughed like the careless child she is as you narrowed your eyes, eyebrows lifted, smiling lovingly and calmly, as you pushed her on the swing. Her giggles, her laugh, all of her happiness would always warm your heart up. Just seeing her happy could make you the happiest girl alive.

Your parents were busy with work today, so they asked you to look over your little sister. You'd done it before; it never bothered you because either way, you loved spending time with that idiot.

You were relatively calm and mature for a 7-year-old. Having to look over your little sister did require a lot of patience and maturity, so you had to grow up getting used to it.

You were back to sitting on the bench, reading one of your favorite mangas, though you'd look from time to time at your little sister, making sure she wouldn't run off anywhere.

After a while, you watched Yuki running around the park with a little girl running behind her. You grew just a little worried, hoping her asthma wouldn't kick in.

You stopped reading your book as you kept your eyes on Yuki, making sure she didn't overdue herself precisely like she does every other time.

"That your little sister?" A relatively calm voice from beside you spoke.

You shot your head in its direction, taking your eyes off of your little sister for just a while.

You stared at the boy beside you, dumbfounded.

"How'd you know," You asked, still surprised by how he guessed it right.

"Oh cmon, I know that look you had just now all too much. You're worried, and so you're looking after her, huh?" He asked as he grinned at you.

Your silence answered his question. The boy then started looking in his little sister's and her now new friend's direction with a calm smile.

"That's how being the oldest sibling is," He giggled as it woke up the baby whom you hadn't noticed in the first place.

He had lilac hair, calm eyes, and a little girl in his arms.

You brought your gaze unto the baby he was holding. She was crying; she'd probably been asleep for a while until now.

You watched the boy beside you calm her down. You would be lying if you said it didn't calm you down either. Everything about the boy was just soo relaxing and soothing.

You smiled calmly at the two figures beside you as the now almost calmed baby's eyes fell upon you.

Your (e/c) eyes grew wide as the baby was now completely silently staring at you. Its little hand was moving as if it wanted to hold yours. You looked at the boy beside you, making sure you had permission to touch the baby. He smiled at you.

The baby's hand wrapped around your fingers as you calmly smiled at the little girl.

The boys' eyes were pretty wide as he looked at you, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.

"What's her name?" You finally spoke, causing the boy beside you surprise, as he snapped away from his thoughts and brought his gaze back onto his little sister, the youngest one that is.

Her Yuyake 夕焼け [Chifuyu Matsuno x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now