Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Start from the beginning

Yami looked down at your sleeping self and gently wiped away the remaining tears at the corner of your eyes.

"This is the second time she fainted from the Egyptian God cards. . ." Yugi's spirit self sat on the other side of you with an anxious look on his youthful face. "Unlike with Obelisk, she was more terrified." Yugi looked at Yami who never took his eyes off of you. "I think she saw something Yugi, something so terrible. Something we couldn't see." Yami placed a hand on your cheek "It sounded like she saw utter destruction." Yugi mumbled. Yami eyes were now gazing down at you with worry "What are you trying to tell me (Y/n)? Are the Egyptian God cards a part of that devastating vision you saw? Did you perhaps see us fail?" Yami pressed his forehead against yours "I have to know . . ." he whispers. Yugi could feel Yami's distress over you and this situation. Yugi knew they already had the weight of the world on their shoulders and figured out Yami's past but if you saw something relating to their fates, they needed to know.

"Please wake up, my beloved (Y/n). So many people who love you are waiting for you." Yami whispers and pressed a tender kiss on your forehead. Yugi looked away with a light blush on his cheeks but he remained where he was, not going away this time, wanting to stay by you too. You were Yugi's friend too, he didn't want to leave your side either until you woke up.


The pain was gone, in its place was this warmth. It was wrapped around your body so gently it felt safe. Nothing felt like it could pierce through it, that nothing could harm you because of it. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking a few times to adjust your vision. Your eyes met those dashing amethyst eyes you have begun to adore so wholeheartedly. Sadness and relief resided in those eyes but they shone their care for you most of all. "You're finally awake. Thank the gods." You could feel Yami's tense muscles release their tension. His face was close to yours.

Wait a damn minute.

Your face became bright red from how close he was and realizing he was holding you. You jumped frantically out of his arms and fell out of the bed before Yami could even catch you. Earning a loud thud from you falling on the bedroom floor. "I was going to catch you I swear!" Yami popped his head out, he had crawled to the side of the bed you fell at, and looked down at you with the cutest apologetic face. "I'm fine! No biggie! Hehe. . ." You got yourself up and rubbed the back of your head while having a sheepish smile on your face. 'I wasn't expecting him to be so close to my face when I woke up.' You thought to yourself then your mind wondered back to when did you pass out.

You froze as it was starting to all come back to you at once. Yami must have noticed because he was on the bed one second and within a split second he was standing in front of you. Ready to take you in his arms again as you were recalling all those terrible sights you witnessed. You took deep breaths as you wanted to not rely on Yami too much, stubborn you were being. "You saw something didn't you?" Yami was right on point with his question. He didn't even need you to answer it with words. It was written all over your face. He admired how you remained strong and resilient in front of him even though he knew you were so scared. Yami felt your emotions like they were his own but it was much different to how he was able to feel Yugi's. Much stronger and almost life threatening by how much he was able to feel.

"Yes. I did see something. It was horrible." You clenched your sweater sleeve "I think it may have had to deal with something in your past." You looked into his eyes with a serious glint in your own "I saw a village in the sands of ancient Egypt in such devastation, it was in flames, death was everywhere you looked. A lone rider on a white horse with Slifer The Sky Dragon behind them. Above them was a giant creature of shadow, larger than Slifer . . . . It felt so powerful it held nothing but evil and hatred and darkness . . . Then it . . . it" You looked at the floor again "It massacred everyone and everything in sight . . . I cannot get their screams out of my head . . . They were all innocent people . . . How could such a beast do such horrible things to people who were powerless . . ." Yami stepped closer to you and gently took the back of your head to have you lean your forehead against his chest.

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