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Twelve Years Later




"Massimo! Get your behind here before I come to drag you by your ears."

"Coming Ma!" This boy makes me old.

"Mimi please go make sure he is coming, can not be late to school again." She rolls her eyes before going up the stairs to her brother. she comes down the stairs with him shortly behind her. "Okay, let's go."

We finally get into the car, first stop is Masi's middle school. He runs out of the car and does not even look at me, his teachers wave at me and I wave back before Michele starts driving us to Mia's school "You have been awfully quiet, what's up?"

"Can I move to Italy next year?" Terror washes over my face before I can fix it.

"Baby, We will have to ask your dad first and see if he can take care of you."

"I am fifteen, Ma, I can take care of myself, please Mama, I miss hanging out with dad."

"I will ask him, it is his decision, baba."

"He can not say no to these eyes." She does her adorable puppy dog eyes that no one can say no to.

"No one can resist those, I have a charity Ball, do you want to go with me?" She shakes her head as she texts her best friend, probably telling her how she is going to Italy next year.

Raising a fifteen-year-old is hard because one moment they want all your attention then the next they want nothing to do with you, even more so a neurodivergent one. Mia wants to be dropped off a block away from school, reason? She does not want everyone to know that she comes from the "richest family in the world".  Israel had to persuade the principal to register her under a different surname, her mother's, Duran. She goes to an art school because that is what sparks her interest.

"Bye." She walks out and keeps walking we stay behind until she is at the school gate, would hate to see her in any type of danger which is why I hate the idea of her moving to Italy but I can not bar her from living her father.

"Mimma, how you look more and more beautiful each day is beyond me." His accent is heavy, it has been for ten years.

"You flatter me. I just dropped off your daughter at school."

"Mmh, she still not talking to you?"

"Oh she spoke to me, she wants to live with you next school year."

"You are her mother, your decision."

"Well, you are her father, the person she wants to live with, just because you see her for four months a year doesn't make you less of her parent."

"Okay, are you okay?"

"I am going crazy, I miss you every day and your kids are going to turn me old before I am supposed to and your fucking racist business partners, my God, love, I need a vacation, I need you." His face softens, his shoulders relax into his chair and adoration gleams off his body.

"You can come here anytime."

"I have work and the kids, they have school."

"You have worked so hard these last few months, you deserve a break and I think you have some money you can spare for homeschooling or tutoring." I hate how right he is.

"You are right again. I will have Josh sort everything out, expect me there in about a week."

"Will clear my calendar. "

Mr Rumming And The Teacher ✔️Where stories live. Discover now