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Matching in all black as we went to the mausoleum to bury someone who had been a major part of Israel and his family's lives. Nonna raised a family filled with amazing powerful women who had never known limitations, she raised accountable sons and tried her hardest making sure the world does not dim their light. She was a pillar of this family and it is disheartening seeing them fall apart after her disappearance.

Mia looked forward to seeing the Mausoleum, she thought it was a museum and was disappointed when all we saw were crypts.

It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone got the chance to say goodbye, even the great-grandchildren. Afterwards, everyone retreated to the house. We decided to spend yet another day with his family so Mia could spend more time with her cousins. Israel already has the lawyer working on the custody transferral paperwork.

We are in the family room, filled with all the family portraits from before he was even born. He wanted to go to the one place in the house where he feels closest to Nonna. He admires the paintings, slowly and lovingly, he takes his time reminiscing about all the memories he had with her. I sat waiting for him to take it all in.

"I love her."

"She loves you even more."

"I miss her, you know. I miss her more than words could ever describe." Standing up to console him "but she left me so much to remember, I will be okay."

"You will be okay plus you have a little girl called Mia who loves you, who else's love do you need when you have hers?"

"Honestly, nobody." He nudges me

"How will I ever live in her shadow?" A giggle erupts from my lips

"I feel for you, Amore." A peck on my forehead and he pulls me into his warm embrace. "You think we will be good parents?"

"I don't know about good but we will try our absolute best and she loves us, I mean she says it."

"She adores us, who doesn't?" I raise my eyebrow "except them."

"Then nobody."

We went to the playroom to get Mia, we said our goodbyes with no fights or arguments. We took Mimi to McDonald's before we went to the hangar, a happy Mimi is a sleep-filled night.

Travelling with a four-year-old can be tasking but I think we are handling it well, I wish I could pull my hair out sometimes but I love her so much that I forgive her for her tantrums, her inattentiveness, her excessive clumsiness, she bumps into everything and she gets bruised easily and it looks like she gets physically disciplined but I have never lifted a hand to her. It is just a bummer having to explain that she did it to herself. The flight was silent because she was sleeping.

The island is beautiful, it is secluded with green luscious trees and clear blue water, there is a mansion on the island but it does not take away from the beauty of its surroundings.

"We never had a honeymoon so I thought it would be nice if we finally had one. The original would have been three months but I could only manage three with the short notice."

"Three weeks is enough." He leads me into the house and gives me a tour. I got to meet the staff, most importantly, Mia's Nanny. Lily, thirty-eight, has been a nanny for royalty so let's see how she deals with Mia. I laid her to sleep, before changing into a bikini to join Israel on the beach.

"Ciro!" He turns his head to look at me. "It's so hot here."

"It was not that hot before you came out, are you sure it's not just you?"

"I hate you." I walk into the water and feel so much cooler.

His hands wrap around my waist, my head rests on his chest. I love the safety I feel in his presence.

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