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Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


It was scary at first but I have gotten used to Paul and Mark. They are the ones that drove us and are currently behind us. The other ones refuse to talk to me. It did not bother me, I just think I need to know the people protecting me. Israel knew them all but there was rarely any verbal conversation but there was much indirect communication, nods and hand signals.

We walk in and they greet Israel first before giving me a weak greeting. We are by ourselves. There are people in the museum but not a lot. The only bodyguard with us is Mark, the rest stayed behind. Mark keeps his distance away from us. Israel has his hand behind me the entire time and often when I stare at something for quite some time, I notice the guide being agitated but Israel stays, which made my heart melt.

Often times his hand finds itself on my ass and when I look at him, he is wrapped in art. When the tour guide would make subtle advances at him, he would pause before complimenting me.

"If I bought you this would you go back home with me and let me fuck you?" He said after the Tour guide suggested that the man depicted in the painting had a status similar to that of Israel and it made him more desirable to both men and women.

The tour was amazing. I learnt a lot about Jean Michele Basquiat, Richard Avedon and Danny Meyer. Our tour guide was overly enthusiastic that Israel was there. It seemed very much like it was for Israel and I was just there to be there but it was an amazing experience, the level of submersion I had was good. Would have been better if I had more time for each piece but I enjoyed myself.

Israel was invited to lunch but he declined because we have plans but he did say that he would come back. I think the museum is beautiful and filled with teachable art.

We are headed to the Comedy Cellar. I heard that it is quite a blast. Israel is uninterested, I can see it in how distracted he is, he is busy sending an email on his phone.

The set-up is quite intimate and close together but I do not mind. Josh managed to get us seats at the last minute, it was hard but they were delighted to have Israel Rumming join them for an evening. I have no idea who the host is or who the comics are but I am excited.

"Mr Rumming, would you like to go backstage and meet the comedians for the evening?" He looks at me and I nod. The man leads us to the back where everyone is either frantically fixing their appearance or chilled out waiting to be called. The man introduces who we are but it looks as though they already knew. We walk towards Dave Chappelle.

"Good day, what brings you, folks, here?" Fun, I guess.

"Taking her to see New York. Would not happen without seeing this place." Dave nods.

"Where are you from?"

"I come from South Africa." Trevor Noah must have heard because he makes his way over to our conversation.

"Hey, I am Trevor Noah, I am also from South Africa." I let a giggle out and I know it is making Israel jealous. I do want to be punished.

"I can hear that you have not forgotten your accent." He scratches the back of his neck. Israel does nothing because he is already planning all the punishments possible.

"Not you too. You watched the show?" I nod, I am fangirling at this moment.

"I have watched them all, I am ready to see you in a different audience." He shifts his gaze to someone else.

"I hope you like it." He pulls me into a hug and a bro hug for Israel. We also met Aziz Ansari and Leslie Jones.

"You are nodding as if you have been there. Are you from Africa ma'am?" She shakes her head at his question. Trevor Noah is funny. I grew up on this man.

"Amazing place and everyone is surprised when they get there and it looks better than Ohio. Sure we have rural areas but just like how they are tourist attractions to you, they are to us native Africans because 'wow, a cow' I will never understand the fascination." The night was a blast and as I am coming to the end of the set he looks in our direction.

"I was told an important man was with us this evening, as I look in his direction, I get a feel of what my mother and father were like before I was born." Israel lets out a soft chuckle. He leaves the stage and the next comic is up.

"I enjoyed that. Where to next?" I am enjoying the time I am spending with him, I never saw myself enjoying his presence and company as much as I am.

"Dinner." He is answering a few people who called him while we were in the Cellar. I wonder if he ever has free time.

"Do you delegate often?" He looks at me weirdly as though he has never heard the word.

"Not as often as I should, why?"

"I can see why you have so many wrinkles. You need to delegate more, how are you going to enjoy your life?" He takes my hand.

"I swear, I will start delegating." Is that conditional?

"Is that only if I marry you?" A soft chuckle.

"Actually, No. I think that is sound advice and I should heed it. The restaurant we are going to is often visited by paparazzi so I suggest you put on your glasses and prepare to eat while being watched." What the hell?

"I did not sign up for this shit but you know what, I will do it but next time, we will stay inside." He nods before taking my hand and kissing it.

"I know, mia gioia and I hear you." I place my hand on his cheek.

"You better."

"I want to fuck you so bad." Not in front of Paul and Mark.

"When we get back to your place." He pulls me onto his lap to straddle him.

"Or here." I hate him, I do because no.

"Your house, let's go build more appetite so that you can unleash the tiger in you." His hand goes beneath my hoodie and shirt to caress my nipples. I grab his hair and start moaning in his ear. There are people, his bodyguard can hear us. I know they can, I am not very good at keeping quiet.

"But I want you now." He looks so cute when he is begging. I do not think this is a face many see, the powerful Israel Rumming begging, not an everyday sight.

"Mr Rumming, wait. I want dinner before dessert. You will get your full course meal when I am plopped on your white Egyptian cotton sheets, just ready to be dominated by you and you only, patience, Daddy." He nestles his head in between my breasts while massaging my nipples. He slowly brings his face to meet my eyes.

I have never seen a man look so beautiful with his dark brown eyes and sharp features, there is something about this man that I lo...


I pull his face to connect our lips and fuel his passion while erasing the words I was about to utter. I am not falling in love with another rich boy again! Not me, not this child. I need to call Pali so that she can knock some sense in me because I am not falling for a billionaire playboy all over again.


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