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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle



"In the kitchen and please wash your hands." The feeling that he would not do it bothered me but also why am I treating this like we are married? It should not bother me, it does not bother me, it will not bother me.

"Of course." I have been meaning to talk to him about it. How would it work? Being married to him is something my brain can not wrap around because what would it look like?

He walks into the kitchen, his tie and blazer off and his gorgeous self ready to eat, he has quite the personality with a body to match. He sits on the counter so I bring a chair to sit opposite him but he gently pats the area next to him and I oblige. It was not complete silence and it was not forced either, just comfortable conversations before the questions come knocking it all down.

Handing him his slice of cake, I turn to face him.
"Israel, I want to talk about your proposal." He puts the cake to the side before looking into my eyes making me uncomfortable so I look away.

"Paris, you can look at me while I am disrespectfully fucking you, I think this deserves more eye contact than that does, now what do you want to know?" Holding my hand, he makes sure I am comfortable, waiting for me to be ready. Deep, slow breaths, deep, slow breaths.

"What would I have to do, like uhm as your wife?" A little smile lights his eyes up but it does not turn cold, rather it turns to be scared. I am scared too, I could potentially be giving my freedom away to someone who is painting a facade so that I build an image of him so that he can tear it down.

"I mean the occasional gala, diner dates, business parties, foundation balls, vacations virtually any significant event and place that I am in." I mean, I was expecting that, I wonder if I would have to plan any of those, I would dread it as much as Cinderella. How would it affect my work?

"Would I need to quit my job?"

"I do not know if you would be able to attend everything and still be in Norfolk. These events happen all over the world, so yeah I think quitting your job may be on the table but you could always work with the Rumming Foundation and help start schools in impoverished areas around the world."

"Israel, that is a lot, I love my job, I love connecting with kids, I would need to think about it heavily."

"Please consider it. You will still be able to connect with the kids just not as much as you do now." He takes a sip of his wine.

"Would I be expected to give you children?" He smirks at the idea, I knew he wanted to trap me with a baby. He just seems crazy like that.

"No, Princess, it would not be expected from you but it would be lovely to have you as the mother of my children." Ten years is a long time to explore that concept.

"Okay, I understand that. Would we have to be faithful to each other or could you go out and have mistresses and I have to act like I am appalled but I am sticking by your side?" This is a huge concern because if I am going to be faithful so is he even under false pretence, marriage is a sacred bond and I do not want to disgrace it further than I am planning on.

"I would be faithful to you and loyal to you and our marriage." He notices my smile and relief, lifts my hand to place a few kisses on it. "I meant what I said."

"I will take your word for it." He gets off the counter and pulls me with him. "Cake?" The way he pulled me told me he wants to rail me till I can barely walk.

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