Chapter 2# The Three Worlds

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 John can't hide his astonishment.
For years he had traveled around the world,facing a lot of dangers,and saw many stranges things.
But there's nothing could impressed him like this-till now.
Gabriel knows it,so he decided to stop his magical appearance.
The light around his body slowly fading,and the wings were dissapeared.
He walks to another chair besides John,and without asking for any permittion-sat on it.
"I hope you don't mind,because I think that would be better for us to talk by sitting than standing..".
And just after he said that,John suddenly able to moves his body again,and now stares at his visitor with eyes full of curiousity.
"I still hard to believe about what had happened..",John also sat down on another chair.
"But I cannot denied also for all I have see..".
Gabriel still watching ahead,it seems that he quite enjoy to see the beauty of the blue sea.
"So lovely isn't it John..??.
"I can say that you're lucky to live in this time.."
"Which mean...?",John seems more curious.
"You had saw what I have shown to you before..",said Gabriel.
John nodded.
"You already knew who I am and the reason I'm here..?"
"Sure..",John admitted.
"Although I still don't believe it.."
Gabriel smiling.
"If you believe me that easy,it will surprised me.."
"You said that you need my help..?"asked John.
"Yeah,that's true.."
"So what kind of help that an ordinary human like me could give to you,the leader of those magnificent angels..?"
Gabriel smiling weak.
"Before I tell you,I think it's better for you to know about the big secret that involded the three worlds John.."
John decided to listen for what his guest gonna say.
"It began a long time ago..",Gabriel started his stories.
"For the first human-the Adam-been created.."
"The Almighty God ordered us all to gave a bow before him.."
"So as His fellows,all of us were willingly to obey it,accept one-Lucifer.."
"He hardly denied Adam,and refused to gave a respect to him.."
"He told us all,that Adam-which he called-which made from"a dirty mud",is just a weak and useless creature.."
"And it will be too riddiculous to a noble creatures as we-angels-which born from the light of the Almighty,to bow on him.."
"Hearing that,all of us tried to warn Lucifer,but he hardly insisted.."
"Even worst,he had challenged us all to proofed it.."
"Watch the quarrel occur,the Almighty then spokes to us all.."
"So be it..",He said.
"If you-Lucifer-really insisted,I'll fullfilled your desire.."
"I will create another two worlds beside this place.."
"This place-the Heaven,as the Land of Light-will stay lies uphead,and will be the place for all angels-except you,Lucifer.."
"While the first new world-which lies in the middle-will called the Earth-and will be given for the Adam's heirs-called"Humans"-for they will rules there.."
"Finnaly the last world,will lies far beyond.."
"It will be a place full of fire and darkness,called the Hell.And you-Lucifer-will rules there.."
"All of us very confused about the God's plan,but none of us will dare to argue for it.."
"The competition will begin billions years from now according to human's rate,where I have decided that one day in heaven is equal with one year on earth..",He continues.
"And I made this to give a chance for the Earth to formed well,so Adam heirs could expanded..".
"After that,you-Lucifer-could begin your plan to deceived humans and drag them into the darkness,while all these angels will try to reminded them to stay in the light.."
"Every lost soul who never ask for forgiveness will falls directly to Hell,and be your slaves.While those soul who stand in the path of truth in his life,will accepted and honored in Heaven.."
"But remember,to reach your goals,all of you only allowed to persuade their minds,so they'll choose with their own free will,which will follow-the light or the dark."
Lucifer looks satisfied,he really confident that he will wins those challenge.
"So,when the times comes,the game begin..",said Gabriel.
"While Lucifer created a lot of pleasure such as free sex,drugs,alcohols,etc,to deceives humans.We gave them religions,holy scripts and send lot of Prophets".
"The battle ran for millenias,and always ends in equal."
"When Lucifer suceeded to drags a lot of souls to Hell.We also able to save much of the others."
"At the beginning,Lucifer tried to be patient."
"But then he became greedy.He wants to drags all human's soul immedietly,so he could slaves them all as quickly as possible."
"And for that desire,he already makes a very big mistake."
"Which is..?",asked John.
"He intended to kills every God's prophets that we send,so they won't able to interfere his plans..",Gabriel replied.

* To be continued *

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