Chapter 16: Saving us and the world

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(The Dying Earth; Pandora's POV)

No..I couldn't believe it. The end of the world is coming..All because I didn't manage to stop Bloodmoon! I was too angry to stop her from planting that seed onto Earth's core. This was all my fault. Now all of the green grass, colorful flowers, and the organic tall plants with brightly green leaves on them turned into coal black. This was so devastating. The others and I looked at the whole scene devastated. Bloodmoon cackled, being proud of planting her seed in the ground.

"YOUR END IS NEAR, PANDORA! MIGHT AS WELL WATCH YOUR FRIENDS SUFFOCATE!", she yelled. Suddenly, the ground shook. Roots with glowing purple lines suddenly sprouted out. They surround the Autobots, the Decepticons, my Amica Endurae and Brumalis. They strike at them, tying them and trapping them. "NO!", I yelled out in devastation. I could hear yells of pain and agony come from them, as the roots have thorns on them. Unfortunately, Optimus was trapped as well. He tried to break the bonds from the roots but they were too strong.

"OPTIMUS!!", I called his designation worriedly. "Pandora, don't worry! I'm okay!", he reassured me while still grunting to escape the binds of the roots. I turned to Bloodmoon, still happy on her accomplishment. "Looks like my job here is done. Now if you excuse me, I must celebrate my success with a party in the Nemesis. EVERYONE IS INVITED!", she announced as she bragged about her success and that she will celebrate it. "SilentTide, open the groundbridge.", she called her communications chief through the comm. "Spacevoid, Vanus, you have a special treat. Offline Pandora for me.", she said to her two comrades as she handed her some powerful weapons that could offline me. They both cowered in fear as they heard her order. "B-But ma'am..She is too-", Spacevoid got interrupted by the queen yelling at her. "KILL. HER. NOW!!", she shouted at them, making them intimidated. A groundbridge opened up behind Spacevoid and Vanus and Bloodmoon walked in the portal. After it disappeared, Spacevoid and Vanus looked at me, quivering in nervousness.

I looked at them as they turned their head to each other. "Go for it, girl!", Vanus said to Spacevoid. "No! You do it.", the seeker said to the grounder. "But you are good with weapons!", the Nightmare Con medic said to Spacevoid. I rolled my optics from watching this argument on who should offline me. I ran at full speed and knocked them out, hitting their helms. I grabbed one of the weapons which were ray guns and I shot at the roots that were trapping my friends, freeing the Autobots, Decepticons, and Amica Endurae. Me and Optimus hugged each other, feeling relief in our warmth.

We pulled away and I turned around to look at the scene. I needed to do something. "I need to save the world.", I said with a stern face. "Pandora. It's too dangerous.", Optimus said with a concerned look. "Yeah, Pandora. We already lost you. We can't lose you again!", CloudDawn said with teary optics. "Plus, the seed is far away now! It traveled down to a mysterious place beneath the Earth!", Halostorm said. "You will get offlined if you try and save Earth.", Brumalis said. I had enough of this. "Enough!", I shouted at everyone. "I made such a big mistake! I couldn't save the world because I was too busy getting angry on Bloodmoon! Well now I have to fix this mistake. Only I will do it. Not you guys. Because I am doing this for you.", I said with tears seeping out of my optics.

CloudDawn and Halostorm began to cry and Brumalis became more anxious, clutching onto her rod against her frame. Optimus' reaction to me deciding to save the world myself was killing me. I saw a single tear streaming down his face. I walked up to him and wiped off the liquid from his optics. "Don't worry, Optimus. I will be back before you know it. Even when I'm not here, be strong for me.", I told him so calmly and comforting. He smiled a bit, then frowned a bit, becoming nervous. "Look..There's something I've gotta tell you before you go-", I hushed him gently by putting a digit on his dermas. "I love you too, Optimus.", I smiled. The handsome leader then smiled so lovely. We both stared at each other. His lovely sapphire optics get me lost.

Transformers Prime: Pandora (Optimus Prime x OC/Transformers Prime X OC AU)Where stories live. Discover now