Chapter 1: I'm Pandora

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(At the Autobot base; No one's POV)

    It was a sunny afternoon. The kids' school day was going to be over soon and they can't wait to visit the Autobots. At the base, a large alert rang throughout the base.

"Optimus, I have detected a life signal!", Ratchet said. The hecking hot Autobot leader comes over at Ratchet and looks at the screen which shows a marking of where the life signal is. "It looks like the life signal is in a Cybertronian escape pod." Optimus said. He knew what needs to be done for this.

"Autobots, we must quickly investigate the escape pod before the Decepticons beat us to it. Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, you're with me. Ratchet, remain here.", the handsome leader told the Autobots. Ratchet punched in the coordinates of where the escape pod is and activated the ground bridge. Optimus Prime and the others go through the green portal.

(In the forest; ???'s POV)

I jolt my optics open and gasped as I woke up from a dream I had earlier. I partially remembered that the dream was about me listening to my sire's lullaby the night before the sire and daughter dance. I then felt sad from thinking about that dream. "Sire..", I said. I realized that I was clutching onto a violin case onto my chassis.

I opened the door of the escape pod I was in and the bright sunlight blinded my optics a little. I sat up and I saw that I was surrounded by many tall organic..plants? I think they are called trees.

I stood up, still holding the instrument case onto my frame. I looked around and there was nobody there. I was alone...Until a green and white portal that is buzzing appeared. I gasped out of fear and I looked around again to see if there is some way to escape. I then chose the way of hiding behind a tree that was in front of me. I then saw four Cybertronian robots come out of the portal. It closed behind them. I was suddenly shaking and I silently prayed to Primus that they won't find me and hurt me.

(Optimus Prime's POV)

Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and I went through the ground bridge portal to investigate the life signal. In front of us, there was an empty Cybertronian pod. I was worried that either the Decepticons must have beaten us to it or the bot escaped.

"It looks like the 'Cons must have beaten us to it.", Arcee said. "Or it must have escaped.", Bulkhead said. I walked toward the pod to investigate further. However, there was nothing else inside of it. Then, I heard a noise.


The noise sounded like a high pitched squeak. Then there it was again.


Along with the second noise, I also heard trembling breathing that sounded like someone was in distress. "Come out. Whoever you are.", I called out. Nothing happened. Then I saw digits sticking out and they gripped onto a tree I was in front of.

Then I saw a feminine faceplate coming out from behind the tree. Then slowly, her whole frame came out. I got to admit, she is absolutely the most prettiest femme I ever saw. She was trembling in fear and making noises out of her intake.

She has black armor around her chassis, shoulder plates, skirt plate, pedes, and helmet. Her abdomen and servos are also black but with pairs of white lines showing. Her arms, digits and thigh guards are white. On her chassis, she has two large windows. Her antennas are on both sides of her helm. On top of that, she has an incredibly beautiful white faceplate with black freckles that are on the middle portion of her face. Those freckles really suit her cutely. Her height was up to my chassis so she was tall, but not as tall as me. Her stoic, curvy, and attractive appearance made my faceplate blush blue but I tried to hide it. I was living in denial.

She was shaking really hard in fear and I started to walk towards her to calm her down. However, when I moved one step, she backed away. I moved another step and she started to back away faster. The scared femme then tripped and she fell on her aft. I walked towards her slowly and reached out my servo to help her get up. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you.", I reassured her. The femme was still scared but she managed to grab my servo and I pulled her up to her feet.

"What is your designation?", I soon asked her politely. "My...My-M-M-M-M", she responded while trembling. My guess was that she couldn't communicate well.

"Uh, is she okay?", said the wrecker who, along with Arcee and Bumblebee, was behind me. The femme stopped trembling with a jolt which startled me and the others. "I-I'm sorry.", she apologized for trembling. "It's okay.", I said with a reassuring smile on my faceplate. "May I ask what is your designation again?" She responded, "I-I'm P-P-Pandora." That is such a beautiful designation.

"Hello, Pandora. I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." I gestured my servo towards the three Autobots that were behind me. "This is Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee.", I introduced them to Pandora.

"Let's get you to base, Pandora. Ratchet, reopen the ground bridge. I have found who that life signal belongs to.", I said towards my comm. The ground bridge quickly opened behind us and Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee went through the portal. I walked towards it with Pandora following me. I looked behind and she stopped. With hesitant, she was scared of going through the ground bridge, as she had never experienced it before. "Don't worry, Pandora. It's okay." I reassured her. I reached my open servo towards her. She looked at the portal behind me and my servo and eventually, she grabbed my servo. We both went through the ground bridge together.

Transformers Prime: Pandora (Optimus Prime x OC/Transformers Prime X OC AU)Where stories live. Discover now