Coming Of Age | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd

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Description: While Meredith is visiting Cristina in Switzerland, Derek stays home with the kids and helps Mia through her womanhood, which is very problematic.

A/N: You asked for more Derek and Mia so here it is and I love writing them. Just to warn you, there is talk about female things like periods, growing up, etc. If that's not your scene, then you're free to scroll. Hope you enjoy it because I love moments like these that we never got in Greys. Anyways, bye!

 Anyways, bye!—————————————————————————

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Derek POV:

Since Meredith has been gone, I've been spending a lot of time with the kids. It's been amazing to spend time with them, and we're all in a good mood, with exception of my oldest.

Mia has been imprisoned in her room for several days and refuses to leave. She rarely speaks to anyone, and I have to coerce her into doing so.

While the children are playing in the living room, I proceed to her room to check on her.

"Why don't you come outside, Mia, and we can all watch a movie together? Why don't I make some popcorn?" I go up to her door and knock.

She opens the door with an irritated expression, similar to her mother's when she was displeased.

"Just leave me alone; I'm perfectly all right." In my face, she slams the door shut.

"What's the matter, darling? Is there an issue? Did I say something stupid?" I'm anxious, fearing the very worst.

"Could you perhaps leave?" Sweet lord you're giving me a headache!" She mutters things.

"Sweetheart, I know you're a teenager who prefers her own space, but why don't you come spend the day with us?" I didn't aim to annoy you in any way." She lets out a groan as she opens the door.

"I'm on my thing, so I just want to be alone for a bit, okay. I apologise for being rude to you. I'm basically in a lot of discomfort." She expresses regret, but I remain perplexed.

"What is it?" "Are you in pain?" I'm concerned.

"Shark Week?" you might wonder. Red Wedding? Dad, please! Don't tell me you have no idea what a female's body is like!" She yells.

"Will you tell me what you're talking about?"

"You know what just move! Kindly leave my room! Now!" She yanks me out of her bedroom and closes the door behind me.

"What? What specifically did I do? What's the matter with you, babe?" I wince

What exactly is her gimmick? What role does Shark Week play in all of this? I look it up on my phone, but nothing comes up that concerns girls, so I think I'll ring my wife.

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