Wake Me Up Part 2

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you're on the phone with carina, helping her through this tremendous loss, andrew was her everything besides maya

"im sorry carina, he was an amazing person, he didn't deserve this, he was a hero" you sniffle while holding back tears

"i know bella, i appreciate you calling, it means a lot, love you" she says

"love you too, call me if you ever need cheering up, my life is boring" you sigh

"thank you bambina, now go back to class!" she chuckles

life didn't feel the same anymore. everyone was dying and there was nothing anyone could do to fix it. home wasn't the same. it was empty without meredith grey. her infectious giggle and smile, the way she would hug you like there was no tomorrow, she was the best mom ever, nobody could ever replace her.

you were so filled with so much sadness and anger. hating god, the world. out of all of the people that could've caught COVID, it had to be your mom. she's been in and out of consciousness for the last couple of weeks and nobody knows if she's gonna beat this thing.

"hey honey, i made you some lunch...." dad says while you throw a glass mug at the wall, creating a tiny dent. "sorry, ill clean it up, thanks for breakfast" you sit down at your desk

"you know you can talk to me, tell me what you're feeling?" he suggests because he never likes seeing you upset, neither would your mom

"no. im okay, did you need help downstairs or anything?" you ask, burying your feelings just like your mother would

"no, but auntie amy will be here soon to watch you guys while i go to the hospital, she had to go check on teddy at owen's" he said walking out of her bedroom door

"what's wrong with teddy, is she okay?" mia worries if this is just another casualty down the road

"i don't know, but it's not anything medical" he said

"anything medical? what the..." you repeat his words to try and crack the situation, but nothing makes sense anymore

later on in the day

"so she was in a state?" mia asks discussing what happened to teddy with her aunt

"she was not well, but she's okay now. she's gonna go to therapy and get the help that she needs and everything with everyone else will be okay soon too" she rubs your shoulder. "you don't know that. my mom is in one of the best hospitals in the country with the best doctors in the country, and she is still on a damn vent!" you yell

"i know babe" she tries to comfort you by stroking your hair

"it's not fair! i want her home, we all need her home, now!" you go around the living room, pacing back and forth

"hey how about you log out of class early today, you need to relax" she make a suggestion, wanting to help you in your current condition

"are you sure, dad might get mad...." you say worried about jeopardizing your education

"he'll be fine with it. staring at the screen all day is annoying!" she reasoned with you

The Life of Mia Grey-ShepherdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz