Keep Breathing Part 2

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Description: Mia tries to navigate her life without the presence of her father.

A/N: Sorry peeps, there was a power outage and guess who didn't save their chapters? I love you all so much and I hope you liked this. The pictures are making me emotional. Continuation of the previous chapter.


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Mia POV:

I can't do this, I don't want to do this! God, why does this keep happening?

Who's next? Mom? Zola? Bailey? Amelia? No. I shouldn't think like that. Mom would try to calm me down with her soothing voice and hugs, but I couldn't burden her with my state right now. My stomach feels so empty, but then again I don't feel hungry.

She has had it harder than anyone. Losing her friends, sister, and now her husband. God, why is the world so screwed up? We didn't do anything to deserve this. I can't cry. I don't know why, but it's not happening at all. I try to force out tears and nothing works.

I open my eyes and sit up on the bed and realize that Mom is gone. Throughout the thin walls of the dream house, I hear Zola and bailey crying. She told them. She finally dropped the bomb. I feel so bad for them right now.

It's too much for everyone. I don't want to feel it. Not now. I've already lost two people that I love very much and now my Dad is in the ground too. Does it ever stop? I feel like I'm cursed. Everyone just keeps dying and it's like I'm just waiting for my turn. Dad, I miss you so much. I love you. Daddy, I need you here.

I need you, Zola and Bailey need you, Auntie Amelia needs you, the hospital needs you, and most importantly Mom. Mommy needs you. She loves you more than anything. This is gonna break her. It'll ruin her.

Dad, what am I supposed to do without you? Who's gonna walk me down the aisle? Who's gonna cheer me up and give me pep talks? Mom is all alone now, she's a widow. I hate that damn doctor. I wish you were alive and he was dead. You didn't deserve to die. that son of a bit*h caused this. I'm sorry, I love you!


Author POV:

After being in the stage of denial for about a week, Mia had become more passive-aggressive towards her family and took her wrath out on them.

She was now going through the second stage of grief. Anger. She was replenished with anger. The funeral was a few weeks ago and she still hadn't cried yet. Enraged at almost everything. She was angry at the world for taking away the people that she loved. Furious at God because he knew that this was gonna happen.

Hateful to her family because they always tried to make her feel better. Lastly, disgruntled at her father for being gone too soon. Derek was usually the only one who could mend her broken heart. Meredith was an amazing Mom. She would try to calm her down with her soothing voice and tell her stories, but that rarely worked.

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