Into The Fire

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description: mia witnesses a horrible car wreck and her surgical skills are put to the test, but there is only so much that she can do

"so you guys will be back before five, in time for dinner?" mer asked

"yeah, we should be done before then, today is gonna be so much fun, you excited mi?" derek asked

"yeah of course! i also happen to have a thing for ferry boats too ya know,  oh! can i drive?" mia asked

"please dad"
"no princess"
*derek sighs*
*mia pouts*

"fine, come on let's go" derek chuckled and finally gave in. he didn't let mia drive too often even though she had her license because she drove too much like her dad and that made him happy, but also worried him

sometimes they would be reckless, speeding on the highway and if derek got arrested it wouldn't be a big deal because he was friends with more than half of the cops in seattle. but, since mia is still a teenager, he tries to play it safe with mia, especially when mer is around because she would kill both of them if she knew the trouble that they were up to

"bye, i love you guys" mer hugged both of them and kissed derek passionately on the lips

"love you more" derek kissed her back

"kay that's enough smooching for now!" mia said

"bye sweetie, listen to dad, okay?" she kissed mia on her cheek

"i will, don't worry mom, we'll be back before you know it, see you soon!" they walked out the door, not knowing that they might've just put their lives at stake. after all, nobody knows where we might end up, nobody knows.....


they went on a ferryboat ride together and they held hands

"mmm, this is so relaxing" derek said

"we should send a picture to mom, the water is beautiful out here" mia said and pulled out her phone

"you know how proud i am of you and how much i love you right? even though i may not say it as much as mom does, i am, you've grown into an intelligent, and beautiful young woman, it's amazing!" derek said with a smile

"you're the best dad ever, i couldn't have asked for a better father than you because there isn't one, god we are so cheesy, no wonder mom gets annoyed of us sometimes!" mia laughed

"yeah, she's all dark and twisty like auntie cristina, but she can be a hopeless romantic sometimes" derek chuckled


they had spent the whole day together and travelled all around seattle, it was perfect

it was around 4 pm and they were driving back home, mer had already left work and was waiting for them at home

they're driving on a dirt road and a sports car starts to speed up and cut in front of them.

"what the hell! i'm going ten miles over the speed limit, is that not fast enough for you?" mia scoffed

"just idiots, keep driving honey" derek sighed

the sports car starts swerving between the lanes and behind an suv that's in front of mia and derek on the road

"ok seriously? seriously? this is not the friggin nascar race, my god!" mia rolled her eyes

the sports car cuts in front of the suv and hits it, it comes flying back in the air near derek's porsche

mia hit the brakes as hard as she could, even derek put his feet on the pedal, but it didn't stop them from the tremendous impact of the car.


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