Papa Don't Preach Part 2

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Continued From The Previous Chapter!

A/N: This storyline breaks my heart so much. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. I'm precisely sobbing into my pillow at the moment.


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Author POV:

Derek and Mia haven't talked in weeks and there's a lot of tension. Derek has been avoiding Mia because he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable, but he wants to make things right with her. He usually calls her every night to make sure she gets home and chats with her, but now she's been doing that with Meredith. She's been at the hospital a lot though.

She works more than eighty hours a week even though she's not permitted to. She's afraid that if she goes home, she'll probably drink her life away and have nothing to do at home. Like all of the surgeons have done, she cuts people open instead of dealing with her feelings. She hasn't lost any patients or screwed up any surgeries since Lori.

Although, she was in for a surprise with how many patients would enter the ER today. Everyone in the pit was watching the news.

"Apartment Fire at Bunsen and 4th Avenue, more than 50 people injured, it's a mass casualty incident and we're still getting reports of fatalities." the news reporter says.

"Let's go everyone, we're gonna need all hands on deck!" Richard and Owen shout.

5 Hours Later

Mia is treating burn patients in the ICU. Between seeing the trauma and the high-pitched screams from patients, she can barely get a thought in, but she's pushing through like always.

"Ahhhh!" the woman yells while Mia wraps her arms and face with gauze after using antibiotics.

"Ma'am, it's okay. I'm gonna sedate you a little so that you can get some rest, alright?" she says

"M-My son...Tommy. Did he make it out in time? I didn't see him come out. Could you find him for me, please? He's five years old, he has to be okay." she starts crying and her heart rate starts going up.

"Ok, deep breaths. Everything is gonna be fine. I will find Tommy and get an update for you as soon as I can. Do you remember the clothes he was wearing? What he looked like?" Mia grabs a notepad and a pen.

"He's short, has brown hair and he was wearing overalls. A blue shirt on the inside. A-And Red Converses. Thank you, Dr. Grey."

"No problem, Ms. Roberts. I'll be back soon." she smiles

10 Minutes Later

Mia POV:

I've been looking for this kid everywhere and I couldn't find him. I checked with all of the firefighters and paramedics and they have no clue where this kid could be. He could be dead right now and in a morgue.

I pass by my parents in the hallway.

"Hey, you okay? You look exhausted!" Mom says

"I'm fine. Have you seen a five-year-old anywhere? He was wearing overalls and he's short?" I ask

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