Chapter 1

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Goodbyes are hard, new beginnings are harder. To say goodbye to everything and everyone you've ever known, to say goodbye to the surroundings you've known for the past eighteen years with no plans to ever return, it's hard and painful to know you'll never see the people from your old life again. But also in a way it's invigorating, thrilling, and brings forward an adrenaline rush like no other you've experienced before. The thought of having to start all over again, to make all new friends, to start at a new school, to start a life in another city let alone another country, it's daunting and petrifies me. Though I won't be totally alone, I suppose I will have one person from my old life there with me, but I haven't seen him in five years since he moved to New York for his own studies and his own fresh start.

Maxwell, my brother, he's having me move in with him in New York City in America so that I can study at NYU just like he did. If it wasn't for Max, I wouldn't be doing this. None of this would be happening if it weren't for him. He was the one who arranged plane tickets and is offering to have me live with him free of board while I work for my English degree, all I am bringing to the table for all of this is my scholarship giving me a full ride at NYU.

I had dreamed of studying at Oxford when I was younger, to follow in the footsteps of many great literature heroes. NYU was my chance to escape though, and it was a chance I had to take. I knew that if I didn't get out now, I possibly never would have. Max knew all this, he too knew I needed to get out, which is why he's being so generous now.

Max and I were close when we were kids, always had my back, always had me laughing till my sides were sore. We rarely fought like siblings do, and if we did it would be over petty little nuances like the TV channel or what to have for dinner. But after he left five years ago we've fallen out of touch for the most part, he'd still check in every so often and he always made a big drama out of holidays and celebrations, but he never came home not even once. I haven't seen him since the day he left for America, we would only speak on the phone. Our relationship became estranged over the years and it felt like we weren't as close as we had once been, I found it hard to talk to him about things that were going on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our final descent into New York. We will be landing at JFK airport in approximately fifteen minutes." The pilot announces over the intercom.

It's happening. It's really happening. I'm really doing this.

This doesn't feel real. It all feels like some dream, something of fiction. But it's really happening.

I can't wait to see Maxwell again.

I focus my eyes out the window, my head had been turned to look out the window since I was woken half an hour ago from the turbulence but I got lost in my own thoughts and wasn't paying attention to the view surrounding us. I can see us tilting down towards the ground as it grows closer as we come out from the clouds. My eyes never leave the window as we land with a thud.

I feel giddy with excitement as I gather my belongings, slipping into my coat and grabbing my carry-on from the overhead compartment. I make my way off the plane, stuck between dawdlers as we all go through customs and baggage claims.

"Ellie!" A familiar voice calls out to me.

My head whips up to see Maxwell a few feet in front of me. A toothy grin pulls at my lips as I run over to him. I let go of my suit cases before Max wraps his arms around me in a death tight bear hug.

"Oh Ellie, I've missed you so." He whispers to me, his voice filled with emotions.

I hug him back tightly as I feel the same emotions wafting over me. "I've missed you too, Max. More than you'll know." I whisper back.

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