"There he goes, officer, the little shit that stole my wallet!" Oh no, that's not good! "Hey, kid, come here." Three quick steps and Takami was reached, dark eyes looking into his, "give back the wallet and you won't be charged."

"I don't have it, sir. Please believe me, I don'-"

"He's lying! That little bastard! Just look at him, the filthy beggar." A firm hand held Keigo in place, "sir, I know you're upset about your wa-" a thud sound grabbed the officer's attention. 

"The kid was telling the truth. Seems your wallet was just in your other pocket." 

Rage and embarrassment were clearly shown on the drunkard's face. Dismissing him, the officer watches as he goes off. "Where do you live, kid? It's getting late, I'll take you home." Is it safe for me to tell him where I live? He is an officer but...

Holding his plushie closer, mind racing, he finally speaks...

There's a knock at the door. Odd since people rarely came out this far, and the ones that did were normally debt collectors. Ignoring the door, Tomie continued to watch TV while lazing on the couch. Home dirty, broken beer cans, bottles, papers, old plates, bugs, and the likes covered the floor. 

Another, harder, knock came this time, she grunts before getting up and timidly opens the door. Peeking at the person there, it's the police. Fear seizes Tomie, what should she do? "Mommy...?" Looking down, there it is, that good for nothing curse of a child. 

"Is this your son, miss?" No, that thing could never come from me and my beloved. "Yes, did something happen? Oh, come here, sweetheart." Quickly stepping outside, she scoops him up, holding onto the small child as if he meant the world to her. 

I have to quickly get this man to leave! If he sees my husband, he'll take him away from me! All thanks to this little shit! "I do hope he didn't cause too much trouble. I apologize if he did, I'll make sure to talk to him, have a good night sir." 

Keigo's heart was fluttering, his mother was holding him, kissing the crown of his head. She felt so warm, so safe. He never knew how much of a good actress Tomie was. The second the officer was gone, she stepped inside the house and dropped him as if he was nothing but dirt under her nails. 

Staring up into those eyes that mirrored his reflection, "did you get any money?" A tiny shake, "no? What a useless child. What are your wings even good for!?" 

I failed again, I'm not a good boy. Mommy's upset with me...    

Dragon's wrath, that's what this felt like, the wrath of a mythical creature that could not be defeated by normal means. A real hero would be needed to slay him. Maybe heroes aren't real. 

"You little cunt!" It roared while striking out, small frame crashing into the wall, adding a new indent to it. Pain shooting through his sensitive wings and back. "WHY DID YOU LET HIM OUTSIDE AGAIN!?" Tomie touched her beloved husband's arm, trying to calm his anger toward herself. 

"I needed money, and I couldn't go out, my face is just as known as yours." 

"You went outside again!" He growled, flames flickered at the boy's soft skin, burning him like the fires of hell. "I bet you weren't looking for money. No, no, you were looking for a hero!" 

Fear so ripe it radiated off his petite form. No, father, no I wasn't! "I bet you were looking for him!" Snatching up that hated Endeavor plush, Keigo's eyes widened, not him! That was the only thing he treasured. The doll was tossed aside. 

Takami quickly rushed over to it, grabbing his only friend and savior, curling up in a ball to protect it. "Go get me a pair of scissors...I'll make sure you can never sell me out, boy." 

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