Chapter- 2 Found It!

Start from the beginning

Maybe it did really happen because I was thinking too much. NOO! Y/N you Baka, it can't happen. You are really getting crazy in the company of Kageyama. You should stay away from him.

You rested at home the next day. You couldn't help but think about the task.

 You swear that you won't return home tomorrow until you find an amazing idea. And another thing you swear was to confront Kageyama and make him pay for cursing me and giving me a fever.

~The day after the next day~

Today was a very hectic day; you didn't even have time for lunch, you were so busy completing your work which was done in class yesterday, and in all that you forgot about Kageyama. The school was officially over, some students went to their clubs and some went home.

You scanned the class but Kageyama was nowhere to be seen, you thought he might be in the gym playing volleyball. You decided to raid his club and give him an earful of your lecture, even though you decided not to talk to him.

Katsumi had still not decided on her club, she likes to write but there is no club related to that. You suggested her to join a sports club but she has no interest in sports. You also asked about art club, she said it was a good idea but when you saw her drawings, you said it's better if she looked for some other club. Even if she tried for the art club she wouldn't be able to clear the exam.

As you were approaching the gym, you could already hear spiking and talking of people. You didn't enter the gym instead you stood at the door and realized that there was a match going on between the members of the volleyball club.

"So I am going to use all your abilities...Use your highest abilities and your highest jump. I'll bring the ball to you..." said Kageyama pointing towards the orange-haired guy.

"Bring the ball what does that mean?" the other boy questioned.

"Get to where there is no blocker at your max speed, and jump. Then spike it with all your strength. You don't have to watch my toss."

"What? But what if I don't see the ball; I'll end up spiking the air..." the orange guy replied.

"But I want to try this." He ordered.

"All right"

Is he always like that? Always ordering people, can't he ask politely?

Someone suddenly spoke up; it was Giraffe you meant it was the same guy who bumped you near the vending machine that- four eyes, "What is he going to try now? No one can spike king's egocentric toss."

HUHH!! How could he say that? I mean there are rumors about him but he has no right to judge someone on the basis of that. He is so cocky. I thought he was better than Kageyama but I do have to agree they are on the same level.

The match resumed and everyone was now in their position. Kageyama stood in his position as the setter and the other guy was standing as the spiker. You could feel Kageyama's sudden aura change; he seemed so concentrated and dedicated.

The other person on the team served and the ball was received and passed to Kageyama by the bald guy. Kageyama lifted his hands above his head, jumped, and gave the ball to the orange guy. And it was SMASHHH. The ball went across the net and the point was awarded to their team.

The spike happened so fast that everyone was surprised. The other team couldn't even see the ball they all were frozen in their places; baffled by the attack. You were too surprised by the quick performed by the duo.

"It hit my hand!"The orange guy screamed happily.

"He's so over the top," four eyes said.

The black-haired receiver who was the captain of the volleyball team revealed, "Hey, Hinata's eyes were closed just then!"

"WHAT!!" everyone said shockingly including you but no one heard you and didn't notice your presence.

"From the moment he jumped up until he spiked, Hinata had his eyes closed. That means Kageyama tossed it directly into Hinata's palm when he wasn't even looking. He synced the toss to the moment he'd swing with total accuracy," the black-haired guy continued.

This guy is awesome. The abilities he possesses are on another level. I have seen several volleyball matches but a quick attack like that is a surprise. And the orange hair guy, he is superb. He is so athletic and he trusts Kageyama so much. He even knew that the ball would come to him no matter what. He put his entire faith in him. He trusted him. Trust...

"FOUND IT!!" You yelled.

Everyone's eyes shifted towards the door and it was pin-drop silence in the gym. Everyone was staring at you. You immediately put your hands over your mouth. You were embarrassed by what happened; you shouldn't have said it out aloud. 

You were so embarrassed that you escaped from there. All that was so awkward; that you ran a mile thinking about all that happened.

The people in the gym were puzzled by what the girl had just said. They were staring and each other and trying to figure out what that girl was up to.

And here Kageyama was thinking, 'What was she doing here? She can't help but create trouble wherever she goes. 'Found it' what does that even mean?'

The four eyes recognized the girl from before but didn't think about her because he didn't want to waste any time on unnecessary things.

And here were you running like a crazy person thinking about it again and again. You halted in your tracks, panting, and then you remembered that you had to lecture Kageyama. You walked back the same way stomping your legs in anger. You were so angry with him. Firstly, you hadn't eaten anything since morning. Secondly, you had to run a mile and walk back.

You could hear people inside practicing. You were so embarrassed to go inside the gym therefore you peeked from the window. The sun was setting and they were still practicing. You didn't want to interrupt their practice therefore you sat near the trees and took out your sketchbook and started sketching. You had finally found it- the idea.

It had been an hour and you were starving but you were determined enough to lecture Kageyama; your hungry stomach couldn't even stop you. The sun had already set so you moved to a bench under the street light.

The lights of the gym switched off, you quickly ran towards the gym. There were three people standing there, the grey-haired guy was locking the gym and the other two were talking.

You couldn't see Kageyama so you asked the guys, "Have you seen Kageyama? Wasn't he practicing here?"

"He just left with Hinata, they were racing to the Ukai shop... hey aren't you the girl fro..." the bald guy said.

Without even listening to the full thing you ran. You were mentally cursing him for making you run again. As you were running, you saw two people in front of you but they weren't Kageyama or Hinata, as they were so tall.

Without even thinking you ran from between them pushing both of the guys aside.

You turned your head and saw that the giraffe fell to the ground. The green-haired guy shouted while helping him, "Hey, Watch it!"

Without stopping you yelled, "Sorry! But I am in a hurry." The way four eyes fell to the ground, was so funny. You never thought that he'd fall down so easily, especially by a girl.

You were running and you could see the shop. This must be it. I hope he is there.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey Guys! I hope you liked the chapter. So what do you think will happen next? What will Y/N do? 

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