43. I'm sorry

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Katherine's pov


"I'm having a baby" I say and turn to face Toni.

"Our baby"


"We are going to leave you guys and talk" Natasha says and they all stand up, walking out. I didn't miss, Damiano moving to grab Lydia's hand, only for her to move it away. I keep my eyes on my boyfriend, as I hear my heartbeat increase, and my heart pounding like it's about to explode.

"Toni? Please say something" I say, worried of my silence.

"H-How long have you known?" He asks and I barely heard it, due to him whispering it.

"When you woke up, I threw up. Nat, Tori and Lydia were with me and it was then when I realized that I was late. The girls went and bought me a test and I did it. I was so afraid to see the result, so I gave it to Nat and told her to tell me what it says. When she was ready to speak the result, Damiano burst in, saying that you woke up. I didn't care for anything else at that point so I run out of the room. I heard one of the girls saying that she would keep it safe until later. I didn't know who it was then, but now I know it was Lydia" I say, not looking at him until I was finished explaining.

"Toni? Please say something" I ask him, my voice full of worry.

"I-I need some time" He says, standing up and walking out. I look at the ceiling as tears start forming up. I stand up and run to my room.

He doesn't want the baby! He doesn't want me! He is going to break up with me. Those thoughts have been haunting my mind ever since he left. It's been a few hours and I haven't gotten up from the bed. I only stare at the ceiling, with my hand rubbing my belly, not knowing what to do with the little life growing inside of me.

Knock Knock

I look towards the door. Hoping, praying, that the person behind the door, is Toni.

"Katherine are you in there?" My hope soon faded as I hear Lydia's voice behind the door.

"Leave!" I yell.

"Please tell-"

"I SAID LEAVE!" I yell and I hear her footsteps, as she walks away. I only wanted for her to leave because I was disappointed that it wasn't Toni.

Knock Knock

"Lydia I said leave!" I shout.

"It's not Lydia" I hear Natasha's voice.

"Well then, Nat leave" I say and I hear her sigh.

"Yeah, not gonna happen" She says and after that everything went silent. I hear a click and I realized that she unlocked the door. I turn to face the door and I see Nat opening it.

"Я ненавижу тебя" {I hate you} I say in a frustrated tone as I sit up. She closes the door and rushes to me, pulling me in a hug.

"Я знаю, что ты ведешь себя так, потому что что-то случилось. Что это такое?" {I know you act like this because something happened. What is it?} She asks me as I try to break the hug, but she holds me tighter and I stop fighting as I wrap my arms around her, letting it all out as she keeps me in her arms.

"Tell me what happened" She says calmly and I take a deep breath, telling her what happened.

"And he just left?" She asks, shocked.

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