he took out a few letters from his mailbox and throw it in the trash right beside it. All the letters are from his previous therapists and clubs had to join in the past few months. Nothing new. It's never new. he unlocked the door of his house and met face to face with an angry whom he have learned to call a mom. his mother.

"Where were you?i was worried sick about you." Her grey eyes, shooting glares meets the pretty boy's and she instantly softens up.

"I went for a walk."

"You could have called."

The pretty boy shrugged. "Was trying the new...um...positive thinking practice. It needs no distractions." He simply lied. It's no big deal to him and to his mom too. She knows lie, but she never said anything.

His mom's face lits up like a firecracker and the pretty boy's mouth twitches from one corner only by seeing her expression. "Oh kookie, that's amazing! Do you feel light?"

"No." the pretty boy deadpanned.

"kookie, it's okay. It takes time to feel better." She places her small hand on her son's shoulder and squeezes it.

Yeah, yeah, it will take time as long as I live.

"Mom, I'm tired. It was a tiring day and I just want to sleep. Call Mr Yang and order my regular." he took his shoes off and walked to his bedroom.

"Okay son, I'll wake you up in an hour for lunch."

As soon as the door closes, the pretty boy sighed loudly. his knees trembled as he walked towards a photo frame and took out the photograph from it.

Time to go to my family ...

For the past few months he have been planning to join his family, for real this time. He have grown tired of waiting. The only feeling have felt for the past two years is taking him over. his third therapist thought drowning himself in his work would help him but it didn't. Now, he wants to end it for good.

his fingers trace over the photograph. he lied down on his bed, the photo, tightly clutched to his chest. his hands involuntarily touch the handle of the drawer beside and pull out a small envelope. He looked at the grey ceiling of his room as his fingers fumbled to open the envelope. his fingers took out an ultrasound and place it on his belly.

It feels cold. The ultrasound, the photo and the room. He don't want it cold. he needs the warmth. He needs him. he needs his warmth. he needs the life growing inside him.

"WHY ME?!" he screamed loudly hoping to get an answer from somewhere or someone.

"It hurts so much. Why me?" he mumbled as those painful tears from his big doe eyes fell on his face. They felt like piercing his skin. Cutting his face like those glasses did that night.

"It had just started..." he whispered and felt himself spoon on the bed as if he(haein) is right behind him, the pretty boy brushing his hair with his fingers and his arm engulfs him in a very protective manner.(italic 'his' refers to Haein)

The pretty boy's teeth chatter in this cold. "I don't know wha-what to do anymore, I just don't. I need you."

he need to sleep. he need to rest.

*** self harming trigger***

his hands trembled as they grab the pills on his nightstand. These were prescribed to him by his first therapist, thinking that they would help him sleep. An overdose leads to permanent sleep.

Exactly what he needs...

his fingers turned the cap on and toss a few tablets on the table and grabbed them.

he closed his eyes and sighed in contentment when he finally realized that he'll be with them in a few moments. he opened his mouth to take them and that's when he heard a knock.

"Son? Kookie? Wake up. yang's here. He brought your regular." Jungkook heard a distinct voice of his mother.

She knocked again. "Honey? Damn this soundproof room! hope the person who invented this rots in hell." She lets out a few curses .. he should not have heard from his mother and started banging the door.

It's now or never.

He sat on the bed staring at those pills in his palm. The photo and the ultrasound fell on his lap. his gaze falls on the photograph and his heart screams in agony.

"Kookie, get up now!" he heard his mother scream as she furiously banged the door.

The tears finally stop pouring and he quickly place the ultrasound back inside the envelope and put it inside the drawer safely. he hide everything else inside the pillow. he wiped his face with the back of his hand and walk to the door.

He took deep breaths to control his overwhelming emotions and opened the door.


She sighed in relief. "Oh thank God! I thought you did-never mind Yang is here." She noticed his tear dried face. "kookie, honey, were you crying again?"

he didn't say anything and walked to the living room.

A man was standing near the dining room, holding a pizza box and a small box which contains his salad. The man was wearing the uniform of the restaurant and was taking in the the rich surroundings, as he usually does. His hair was in a shabby mess and there was a piercing in his ear. Lean shoulders and his black hair reminds the pretty of someone he used to know long back.

"Mr Yang." The pretty boy acknowledge his presence to him.

MR yang grinned "Ah! Mr Junghook, wonderful weather, ain't it?"

"No, and my name is Jungkook not Junghook." He took out a little cash and hand it over to him.

"Thank you. Here's your one plain cheese pizza with the...um...cheese removed and our special salad without pepper, as per your requirement. You sure you don't want anything else?" He asked.


"Okey then. You know where to call when you are hungry, ain't you?" He asked the pretty boy as he walked out of the house.

"No." the pretty boy deadpanned and shut the door on his face.

After a silent lunch with a heavy atmosphere-as it has always been for the past two years-, his mother left, wishing him good bye and whispering a silent prayer in his ear.

The pretty boy's feet dragged him back to his room. It was only evening and yet he was tired. He lain down on his bed when he felt something crushing underneath his pillow so he lifted it up and he saw the remains of the pills and the photo.

he kept staring at the powdered pills then brushed it off from his bed.

Tomorrow is another day. A another chance to go back to them..

He picked up the photo and held it tightly to his chest. his face was already wet with silent tears and he didn't bother to wipe them.

"Goodnight Haein. And I love you." he whispered and let himself fall to the land of broken memories.





A/n: so as you can see jungkook is not stable, he's a emotional shit ... well of course for a valid reason... no one can be in their right state of mind after loosing their everything and everyone... 

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