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Jason's POV

I was a little surprised why Shelby Falcon called me in the middle of the day asking if we can meet and since our meetings are usually included in my everyday schedule, I'd say that this one was a bit weird. After my appointment with my client from a special advertisement company based in Japan, I drove straight to Falcon.Grp to see Shelby. As soon as I arrived, I went straight up to her office and her secretary greeted me with a nod before I went inside her office after the secretary informed her through the phone about my arrival.

She was sitting on the armchair in the middle of the room, drinking something from the white china cup in her hand. I sat down in front of her and unbutton the front of my suit jacket while she stared at me with a serious look on her face.

"Congratulations on that new Japan investment. I'm really impressed with how you managed to get Aoki Uzi to sign the deal."

I looked up at her with shock. How did she know about that when I haven't even decided to release the official statement yet?

She chuckled while staring at my face and then averted her eyes.

"I know everything Mr. Cartwright and I can easily get access to any information I want just with a snap of my fingers. Just like how I got to know how you were secretly working with my sister against me."

Oh. So this must be what it's all about.

I let out a short laugh and relaxed back in my seat before looking straight at her.

"If I may correct myself, I wasn't working in secret with your sister, Miss Falcon. In fact, she reached out to me and I willingly agreed to help her out but it wasn't for the intention to work against you. I believe we've both established a clear mutual understanding between us regarding our business relationship?"

Her eyes slightly wavered from the eye contact and she shifted in her chair.

"But I bet she told you the reason why she's working with that plan. If she really had stopped trusting you then she won't tell you anything at all."

"What's your point?" I asked her directly.

"I don't share, Mr. Cartwright, especially when it comes down to business. Remember, you were the one that offered to work with us in the first place and since we've already sealed that deal, you only work with me, you only talk to me and you never share anything else regarding our work with anyone except me. Do we have an agreement?"

Wow. Now her bossy side is starting to show, no wonder why people find her intimidating.

"Are you telling me what to do Miss Falcon?" She gave me a sharp gaze.

"If you have any personal feelings against me then you would see it that way. But if you understand from my point of view based on the work relationship that we have, then take it as a reminder when it comes to doing business with me. I don't mix personal issues with work."

That, clearly had a double meaning. She is definitely trying to get a reaction from me and I don't like the way she's trying to push my buttons.

"What do you want to know?" She grinned back at me before answering my question.

"Tell me, what is my naïve little sister up to these days? I'm really curious."

I easily shrugged my shoulders and stared at the small glass table between us.

"Why don't you try asking her? I'm sure she'd love to tell you. Or if you have time, check out Selina's Beauty Show tonight and you'll find out. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've better get back to the company and finish up some paperwork that I'd rather waste my valuable time on."

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