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Shay's POV

Around noon, I was informed by one of the maids to meet my father in his study. My father and I have not really had a proper conversation before, so this was the first. I was a bit confused and tried to come up with a few reasons why he suddenly wanted to talk to me today, but most importantly, what does he want to discuss?

I walked down the dim lit hallway towards his study and I stopped outside before gently knocking on the door. He called out for me to enter and I opened the door and walked in and saw him sitting in his big leather armchair with a drink in his hand. I sat down on the chair in front of his desk and stared at my entwined hands below me instead of looking at him. The look he always has on his face, intimidates me sometimes.

"You wanted to see me?" I noticed him leaning towards the table putting his drink away and then cleared his throat loudly.

"Yes, I want to ask you something. What have you been spending your time in doing these days?"

His sudden direct question completely threw me off-guard. It suddenly made me worried that the reason he might have asked is because he found out about my secret job.

"Nothing much."

"Are you telling me you've been doing nothing at all these last couple of weeks? Just staying at home doing nothing?"

I swallowed the tight knot in my throat before answering him.

"Well, I've been going to places and events that mom wanted me to go to. Sometimes I go to the gym or attend my Pilate classes as well."

Well there goes my same old excuse that the others managed to buy it. Now I just hope he falls for it too.

He slowly leans back in his seat while staring at me with a serious look, and then a small frown appeared on his face.

"So you're basically free without a job and doing nothing important at all." I slowly nod my head.

"Well in that case, I want you to work at the company."


"We're dealing with a lot of issues at the company because of Shawn being gone now and plus, the problem with the prosecution office investigating your sister. It's quite handful which is why I need all hands on deck, your mother is already dealing with our ongoing charity events and business workshops and Shanelle is really not much help because she doesn't have a business mindset. You on the other hand, have graduated from business school so you can easily settle in and handle a few things on your own."

My mind was racing and I was secretly starting to panic. This is not what I thought we would be talking about! I've been avoiding this main topic my whole life, and the reason why I don't want to work at Falcon Group is because I know I'll never get my freedom back the minute I let them control me. I tried to remember all the excuses I've been preparing for this moment, yet nothing comes up in my mind.

"You'll start next week and I'll have my assistant arrange the required paperwork for you, plus your work position and you'll be given your office so-"

"I don't want to work at Falcon Group."

The words left my mouth before I could even think twice about it, but it's too late. It's already been said. He frowned at me and clasped his hands on top of the table, in front of him.

"And your reason is?" I released a low sigh and finally looked up at him, meeting his cold eyes.

"Because I don't want to and I'm not ready yet." He scoffed and glanced away.

"Not ready? The reason why we sent you to business school is to specifically prepare you for this type of situation! You think just because we're letting you do whatever you want in this house means you can also disagree with what we tell you to do?!" I quickly shook my head.

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