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*Guys please listen to the song above that I've selected for this chapter. I swear listening to the song in the background while reading this will make you feel the emotion of the characters. I almost cried while writing this!*

Jason's POV

I couldn't understand why she's acting that way and when she walked away I knew something was wrong and since she was with my mom earlier, something must've happened. I jogged towards the lift and furiously pressed the button on the side. When the doors finally opened a minute later, I went in and pressed the floor button to my penthouse. Did she argue about something with mom? No, I highly doubt that. Mom loves her so she can't argue about anything with her. Then what happened?

The doors opened and I jogged into the living room and looked around for her.

"Mom?" I loudly called out. She suddenly appeared with a vase of white roses and smiled at me before placing the vase on top of the coffee table in the room.

"Why are you yelling? I'm right here jeez. Do you like the flowers? Shay bought it. She said it was for me though but since your living room is so gloomy, I'll leave it here to at least make this place feel a little homier."

I took off my suit jacket and threw it over the couch and stared at the flowers. So that means, nothing really happened between them before I got here.

"Did something happen?" She gave me a confused look.

"No. She suddenly fell into a daze and she left saying that something urgent came up. It's a pity, I really wanted to have lunch with the both of you here."

Something lying on the couch suddenly caught my eye. I pushed the cushion to the side and saw that they were car keys. One of my car keys that I always kept inside the drawer in my study room. I grabbed it and showed it to mom.

"Why is this here?" I questioned her.

"Oh that! I was looking for those files transaction in your drawers and I was going through all of them here on the couch. It must have been inside one of the folders and slipped out."

I stared at her and something snapped in my mind.

"You went through my desk?!" She slowly nods her head.

"Yeah. What's the big deal? Your dad asked for those files coz they were important."

I ignored her and ran to my study room. I opened the last drawer and a cold sweat ran down my spine when I saw that the picture and the bracelet was gone along with the folder. Mom came into the room and stood in front of the table.

"I saw Shay's picture inside and I-"

I didn't hear the rest of her sentence as I bolted out of the room and got into the elevator again. Shit! Shit! Shit! She knows.....she found the freaking file! This is why she looked upset in the lobby, because she saw everything in my desk. Dammit! Why did she have to find out about that today?! I ran to the parking lot and starts looking for her car, I really hope she haven't left yet because now, I will definitely explain myself and also tell her the truth. No more playing games now. It's over.

To my relief, her car was still parked there just across from mine. She was sitting inside, staring at the steering wheel and she looked up and finally saw me. I slowly approached her and she glared at me from inside before getting out of the car and stood in front of me.

"No matter what, I don't understand. The one thing I'm sure of is that even though you knew from the beginning who I really was, you pretended not to. Am I right?" She questioned me with a cold tone.

I nod my head. "Yes, that's right."

She dangled the bracelet in front of my face and stared at me with a hard expression.

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