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Jason's POV

Jogging every morning is like a daily routine for me and Chase. He would always show up at my apartment every 6am on the dot as my morning alarm and we would jog down the streets and follow the familiar trail to the park and run a few more laps before we circle back to my place. Chase is usually the chatty one, always talking about any random things that includes girls just to slow me down. But this morning was an exception. He had a serious look on his face that I've rarely seen a few times, and he was actually focused on jogging that he's suddenly running a few paces ahead of me. I caught up to him and shot him a curious glance while trying to keep up my pace with him.

"You okay dude?" His jaw tightened as he quickly glanced back at me.

"Yeah, why?" He replied with a hint of rage in his tone.

"Just asking. So how was that date with Falcon's daughter yesterday?"

As soon as the question left my mouth, he immediately slows down and stopped running while placing his hands on his hips and trying to catch his breath.

"Please don't ask me anything about that."

I stood by his side and raised my brows in confusion at him.

"Why not?" He gave me a frustrated look and sighed out loud.

"Because it was horrible, okay? And you were right, it was a bad idea." I chuckled and ran my fingers through my hair, secretly glad that he finally agrees that I was right all along.

"What happened?" He groans and starts to walk ahead of me.

"First off, she's so not my type. Second, she's too predictable! I was like able to tell that she had been rehearsing to say everything she said to me, the minute she walks in to that restaurant. And third, I know for a fact that the P.I that I hired did a thorough background check on her and I read the file and now I can almost memorize everything about her but she had the audacity to lie to my face. And you know how much I despise liars man. I'm not doing it, I'm not gonna marry her or anyone else. I don't know what the hell got into me that I suddenly decided to just marry anyone just for the sake of business."

I knew it. I knew that his plan to get married will not work out. I know him and I also know for a fact that he will easily back out from this plan because unfortunately, Falcon's daughter was not a perfect match for him. I mean who is? I think by the time he decides to finally settle down he will probably be in his late forties after he enjoys playing around with women.

"I'm glad you finally came to your senses. I told you, we don't need the Falcon Group. I can easily get this project done without any help."

He scoffed and then starts walking backwards so that he's facing me.

"Oh the Falcon deal is still on. I might be backing out from marrying his daughter but I'm not backing out from getting that contract deal signed by him."

I narrowed my eyes at him and looked away, my annoyance with his idea was starting to resurface.

"You're not giving up on that one yet?" He shrugged casually.

"Nope. I have other ways that might work."

"Okay. Does that mean you'll also try your luck with the rest of his daughters? How many of them again?" He glared at me and starts walking normal again.

"Three. And no, I'm not doing that again. She was my only best shot for that plan to go through but sadly, it didn't work. So I'll pass on the idea to try with the other two daughters cos after what happened yesterday, who knows what other lies they might come up with."

I chuckled and shook my head slowly.

"Yeah good luck with that." He smiled back and gave me a challenging look.

"You'll thank me later Cartwright. Race you back!"

He sprints ahead of me, leaving me staring after him with amusement.

"We'll see about that."

Shay's POV

I was right in the middle of doing my makeup, when mom suddenly barged into my room with a scowl on her face. I immediately stood up from my vanity to face her and her glaring eyes penetrated hard onto mine.

"What the hell happened yesterday?" She yelled to my face.

"Nothing, why?"

"Then how the hell do you explain Chase Evans calling me this morning to tell me how it was nice to meet you but it will also be his last?!"

That bastard really went out of his way just to tell my mother that?! I swear I will kill him if I ever see his stupid face again.

"Maybe he's just not interested." Her eyes narrowed into slits as she stared hard at me with a cold look on her face.

"Don't give me that same bullshit Shay-Lina. He was such a nice young man, I swear that he was going to be the one but you're always the problem!" I glared back and my fists automatically clenched by my sides.

"You won't even let me explain what really happened yesterday?" She rolled her eyes and held up her hand for me to stop talking.

"Your excuses are getting old, I've had enough of that." I chuckled in disbelief.

This is so unbelievable!

"You don't even know what he did to me yesterday and you're already labelling him as the good guy? You know what I really think of him? He's an asshole! A rude conniving narcissistic bastard that-"

The slap came faster before the words even left my mouth. The sting from the impact vibrates in my ears that the feeling to storm out and never come back was getting so unbearable at this very moment.

"I have been doing so much for you and yet all you can do is act like the ungrateful, good-for-nothing daughter you are. This life would have been so much easier for me if you weren't born in the first place."

Anger bubbled up inside me. I slowly turned to face her again and scoffed while tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Was that my fault?" She fiercely grabbed my arm and dug her sharp nails in my skin that it was beginning to hurt.

"Don't give me that attitude. You're nothing in this house you hear me? You're just a blood sucking leech feeding off the money that your father and your brother and sister works hard for and all you do is go out, sleep and eat. Be thankful that you're still living under my roof Shay-Lina. Now get changed and be downstairs for breakfast."

She released my arm and walks out of the room. As soon as the doors close shut behind her, I finally released my breath. It's always like I can't breathe in the same air as them, every time I'm here in this house it's like the oxygen is being sucked out of me. It's why I chose to start working in secret just so I can escape from this hellhole for a while.

Well this is life. And mine is a real nightmare that I desperately need to escape from.

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