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Shay's POV

After having my dessert, I excused myself to go to the ladies room to do a little retouch on my makeup before we all start leaving and call it a night. I opened the door to the restroom and placed my clutch on the counter and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair looks a bit messy and my lipstick had faded a little bit and my face looks a bit damp. So not a good look.

Did he see me like this?

Oh god, that would be embarrassing. I ran my fingers through my hair to straighten out the curls and picked my lipstick out of my clutch to apply a new coat. The door to the restroom was suddenly pushed open making me jump in surprise when I saw that it was just Sylvia.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." She said before coming up to my side and checking herself out in the mirror as well. I chuckled and continued applying my lipstick on.

"Do you want me to give you a ride home?" I shook my head and placed my lipstick back inside my clutch.

"No thanks, I'll just take a cab or call an Uber." She chuckled and leaned towards the mirror to check her eyelashes.

"You've been saying that a lot tonight." I glanced at her in confusion.

"Saying what?"

"No thank you. Is that the only thing your brain allows you to say when someone tries to offer you something nice?" I frowned at her right after I noticed her change in tone.

"What do you mean? I only said no because I don't want you to drive me all the way to my place and then back to your apartment. You know how long it takes to get there and besides, I was thinking of getting a cab to take me home way before we got here."

She stared at me with a blank expression on her face and then looked down at the lip-gloss in her hand.

"Okay, but why would you turn him away when asked if you wanted a refill for your drink? You could've just said yes for once tonight, it probably would make things a lot easier for you two."

I stared at her in the mirror while realization slowly hits me. I finally understood the real reason behind her question. I slowly turned around to face her and she did the same while giving me a hard look with her jaw visibly clenched.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She sighed and folded her arms across her chest before leaning her back against the counter with her eyes staring straight ahead at one of the cubicle door.

"Look, I'm not blind okay? I saw the way he was looking at you tonight and the way he easily cared for you and it's so obvious that I'm sure that everyone else too had noticed."

My heart dropped after listening to what she just said. With everything that was going on between Jason and me, I didn't realize that I was hurting my best friend too. She was the one that liked him first and my feelings have no right to come in between what she had felt for Jason.

"Syl I......"

"No. It's fine, I will learn to accept that he's just not interested in me......but you."

I slowly reached for her hand and she squeezed my hand back in return and her mouth curved into a smile.

"You don't have to say that. I still don't know how I feel about him and maybe his act of friendliness tonight was just that, nothing more and nothing less. He probably doesn't even see me as more than just an employee." I reasoned out.

She chuckled and looked away while shaking her head.

"I work with the guy, shay. I know everything about him including how he reacts to people he like and don't like and tonight, he obviously showed a different side of him because of you. So you know what? I'm okay with that. If you two started dating than I'll accept it because you're still my best friend and my cousin and I'm not gonna let anything like this to ruin that. Besides, you would make a perfect couple."

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