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Jason's POV

The silence in the room was starting to get more unbearable. I checked my watch again for the second time and gently closed my eyes in frustration when I saw that it was almost eleven thirty already and Chase is now more than late. I usually handle all the meetings by myself but when he suddenly called me earlier today to inform me that he's coming back to work in time for today's meeting, I was curious about the reason why. Firstly, Chase always find meetings boring even though he's my business partner and plays an important role in our company he will always have an excuse to skip important meetings like this one. Second, I know Chase better than anyone else since he's also my best friend, and I also know how much he despise his older brother Matthew Evans who's also present in the room today as one of the shareholders. So if he's suddenly interested in coming in today, than Matthew must be the reason because he loathes how much Matthew contributes in the business.

If he doesn't show up after ten minutes, I'm afraid I might have to get started without him.

"Well, looks like he's going to be late today. Jason, shall we begin?" Matthew asked, finally breaking the silence in the air.

"Um, let's just wait for another five minutes. I'm sure Chase will be here."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Another five minutes? We have been waiting for thirty minutes already and I'm sure everyone in this room are growing impatient. We all know my little brother has interest in other things rather than showing up for meetings."

The board members all mumbled in agreement, suddenly living me in a tight spot to decide. Before I had the chance to speak again, the door opens and Chase walks in with a smug look on his face.

"Apologies ladies and gentlemen for being late. Traffic was horrible, which is the first thing I hate here in San Francisco."

He took his seat at the other end of the long glass rectangular table and quickly smirked at me when our eyes met.

"Okay let's begin." I nodded once and the lights in the room were dimmed and a PowerPoint presentation shows up.

The presentation went on for about 35 minutes till the lights went back on and it finally ends. I flipped through the pages in the file in front of me, my eyes focused on the plan and investment process highlighted in every page and my frown deepens after I finished reading.

"This is the new marina project isn't it?" Chase asked without looking up from the file.

"Indeed it is Mr. Evans." One of the men sitting next to him, answered.

"To some extent, I agree with the number for the investment, but I'm afraid that the outcome will not meet our expectations."

All eyes turned to me and Chase raised a questioning brow at me.

"You don't like the plan?" I shook my head once and point my finger down on the file in front of me.

"I don't like the method."

"The method is stable. We can't make any other changes because we need to start working on this project straight away." Matthew suddenly stated.

"I agree with Mr. Cartwright. We can check out all the methods and see which one is suitable enough and we can make other changes with the construction plan so we can avoid any problems in the future." Chase said. His eyes already pinned on Matthew with a hint of challenge in his expression.

"We can't delay this any longer." Matt continues to say.

"We're not delaying anything. We're just making sure that everything will go according to plan." Chase replied smoothly.

GOLDEN GIRLजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें