Enlightenment For the Entitled

Start from the beginning

She peaked from behind her blanket, "Oh Titan, what did I say?"

"I'm pretty sure you went on a very detailed tangent on how there is a universe out there where your mom cursed Eda and Raine was being drugged by a coven head."

Amity went silent before slamming her head into a pillow, "Titanfucker."

"I also think you said I had a twin named Vee."

"Mother of titan- please don't tell me there's more."

Luz laughs, relaxing into the cushions. Amity laughs along, her shoulders falling with her knees.

Preparing a list, Luz prepared to watch Amity dissolve into a puddle of red. Like strawberries, she thought.

She wondered if her lips would taste just as sweet.

Before a word could leave her, however, a loud thud came from behind them. The impact vibrated and spread down the walls. Luz jumped, her form springing up.

"WE BROUGHT PRESENTS," a dramatic voice announced.

A voice she thinks belongs to Lilith scolded loudly, "For titan's sake, not so loud! You startled her!"

Luz thinks she's hallucinating, and she's pretty sure Amity feels the same.

There's a crowd forming around them, a patter of feet and chains jingling as an extensive number of people begin to surround Amity's massive bed.

Yes, you heard right. Chains.

Looking down, Luz spotted that nearly everyone around them seemed to have bound wrists. All except a familiar face, and two foregin ones. All chatting about and surrounded by floating gifts and boxes. They didn't seem to be too bothered with the cuffs on their wrists, except Raine. Who looked like they wanted to be anywhere but there.

Yet, when they caught sight of her, they beamed. Waving calmly at Luz, they shyly took their place next to her. Luz found comfort in a sea of those unfamiliar to her.

Similarly, Lilith sat next to her daughter. Leaning down to kiss her forehead, a content hum passed her. A distasteful frown formed on her lips at the ruckus everyone else seemed to cause.

A man in a neat and pristine coat was first to speak, and he was one of the few guests who were not imprisoned.

Luz thinks she hears Raine muttering his name beneath their breath.

"Ah, little princess," Darius greeted with a smile. "Long last I see you again."

Amity stared at his face a good while, wondering why he looked so oddly familiar.

Sure, he's the Abominations coven head. Sure, he had some sort of beef with Alador. But that wasn't what was so familiar about him.

There was... a name. A word just at the tip of her tongue.

The Beast Keeping head witch, a rather small yet sinister looking beast, jumped up onto her bed. It earned him a glare from Lilith, who beckoned him away.

"You most likely remember him as "Mr. Abomination", he snickered, not budging away.

Amity's face grew incredibly red.


"Says Mr. Fluffy," Darius bit back.

It only drove Amity's face further into her hand.


When witchlets are small, they tend to bring placeholders for words they cannot say. Amity assumed that she referred to the newly appointed coven head as "Mr. Abomination". Because of course that was the extent of her creativity as a toddler.

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