Chapter 4: Reconnecting The Trade Lines

Start from the beginning

"Sir, what should we do?"

"Prepare the boat, I'll board it"

His subordinate nodded and rushed to the boat, meanwhile on the SH-60L, a sailor leaned his back after trying to read the content on the paper, Kazuha sat beside him to check his pronunciation

"Good work, I think they would understand from what you said"

"Thanks, Mr. Kazuha"

The SH-60L flew back into the carrier, and the Quila-Toyne sent their boat to meet the Japanese diplomat, upon their boat sailing closer, they were surprised by the size of JS Hōshō

"Such a huge ship, how do we can board it"

"These ships are made from metal, I don't think that our ballista can destroy it"

Suddenly, they heard a rumbling sound. The Japanese diplomat arrived via boat although it didn't seem like they didn't use the oar and even its speed is much faster than their Trireme. Upon their boat is begin to closer, he saw that they were similar to the Fennese although only one that wearing the traditional clothes, the rest are wearing a strange outfit

"Have anybody can speak the Fennese language" ask Ridomi. Everyone shakes their heads, making Ridomi put his palm on his face

Both of their boats finally stopped, they glanced at each other, then a Fennese translator began to speak

"Gentlemen, no need to be afraid, they're hailing from Japan, hundreds of Selims from our coast"

Ridomi then responded, "I see, that means the Iron dragon that is flying above our sky belongs to Japan?"

He saw the Fennese translator and Japanese diplomats begin to discuss something, then the translator spoke "Yes, they want to apologize for that and establish trade with Quila-Toyne, especially the food product"

"Are you sure, with that fleet, I'm afraid that people back there might be thinking that Japan is planning to invade us" ask Ridomi

Both the translator and Japanese diplomat talking to each other was so tense from Ridomi's perspective. Then the translator spoke "Alright, but they're unable to reach the port since the port is too shallow"

After that, both of them returned to their fleet, Ridomi still fascinated by the speed of the Japanese boat, he realizes that waging war against Japan would be unwise

Maihark, Quila-Toyne Federation

Several minutes later, a Trireme from the Quila-Toyne Navy led the Japanese Special Escort Flotilla towards the port city of Maihark. After several hours of sailing through the seas, they arrived at the Maihark, the special escort flotilla anchored outside the port, and an MV-22 flying from the JS Hōshō carrying the diplomatic team and the Fennese translator

Back at the Maihark, the situation become mixed between fear and curiosity from the civilian around the Maihark after the Japanese fleet anchored there and sent out the unknown object above their sky, forcing the Quila-Toyne authorities to conduct the order where their wyvern knights escorting the MV-22 until it landed on the open field, surrounded by Quila-Toyne Army to welcomed them.

Meeting room, Maihark

The meeting room is filled with a tense atmosphere, supposedly prime minister Ka'anta is taking the day off to visit the Maihark. However, after the recent news about the Japanese arrival and the withdrawal of Perlidian diplomats, they were forced to establish diplomacy with a newly emerged country.

"This is the only way Ridukin since damn Perlidians are backing Lourian instead, we must choose this country"

"Are you sure First Minister Ka'anta, I don't want them to conquer our continent, just look at their ships"

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