"You're so old now!" Kaia teased her when she pulled away, taking a strand of Taylor's hair in her hand and examining it closely, her eyes narrowed and frowning deeply. "Is that a white hair?"

Taylor rolled her eyes and pushed Kaia's hand away roughly before lacing their fingers together. "Hush! Be nice to me! It's my birthday!"

"Your twenty-ninth birthday!" Kaia grinned widely, flicking Taylor's nose. "You look really good for your age, you know."

Taylor glared at Kaia, smacking her butt in annoyance. "Stooooop," she whined, but she couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of her chest.

Kaia laughed softly to herself, leaning down to kiss Taylor's forehead.

"I got you coffee, baby," she told her, handing her the caramel latte. The meeting Kaia had was at a café downtown that Taylor loved to frequent and she couldn't leave without a large cup of coffee for her.

"Oh my god, is that from Felix?" Taylor exclaimed, almost letting out a moan as she opened the lid and took a whiff of the hot drink.

Kaia laughed harder, nodding as she watched Taylor close her eyes while appreciating her first sip. "Technically, I think it's pronounced Félix. There's an accent on that e for a reason."


Kaia gasped in disbelief, placing her now free hands on her hips. "Did you seriously just shush me?"

"Mhm, you're ruining coffee time with your know-it-all, arrogant, 'I'm a polyglot' facts."

Kaia scoffed, turning around to sit by the windowsill, as far away from Taylor as possible. "All right. Just for that, I'm not going to give you your birthday present."

Taylor clicked her tongue, pouting at Kaia. "It's my birthday. I can do what I want. Like demand you give me my gift that I know you hid in the drawer with all the music gear I never use."

"Oh my god, Taylor!" Kaia groaned, hiding her face behind her hands. "Did you look?" She asked, her voice soft and muffled.

"No," the blonde laughed. "I just kind of heard you closing that drawer the other day. But I didn't ruin your surprise, I promise."

Kaia dropped her hands into her lap and turned to look out the window for a second. "Do you want to open it now..." she started, trailing off when she noticed a white, fluffy particle fall against the window. Then another one, and another one, until the ledge outside the window was covered in a thin white layer. "Oh my god."

"What?" Taylor replied with a chuckle. "I've been dying to know what you got me, so yes, I'd love it—"



"It's snowing!"

Taylor got up and walked over to the window, placing her hands on Kaia's shoulders to look outside. "Oh my god, it's snowing."

"It's snowing! On your birthday!" Kaia exclaimed and let out an excited squeal. "It's snowing! Oh my god, oh my god, Taylor, we have to go stand in the snow. We have to!"

Taylor was laughing at Kaia's excitement. She hugged her closely from behind, leaning her chin over her shoulder and kissing her cheek. "It's freezing!"

"I don't care! I wanna play in the snow!"

"You're such a child!" Taylor laughed some more as Kaia turned around in her arms and squished her cheeks between her hands.

"And you're officially a grandma. Let's go play in the snow? Please? Please, please?"

"It hasn't even settled yet!" Taylor replied. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, looking outside to avoid Kaia's gaze. "And I kinda really wanna open my present first."

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