Chapter 20 - Epilogue

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Two years later, Emma's ending:

A young boy ran up to the Viscountess, crashing into the bottom of her gown. He hugged her tightly while hiding his excitement. Emma caressed the little boy's head full of hair, laughing at his cuteness. The child had brownish eyes and the most charming smile. His skin tone was pale but somewhat tan. Emma realized how much resemblance the boy had to her husband.

"That is enough, Edmund. Your mama has been feeling ill and needs to rest." Anthony sternly spoke, asking his son to let go of the pregnant woman. He walked over to Emma and cupped her face, he kissed her pink lips that he desired every waking morning. The couple has been at it every sleepless night, not being able to keep their hands off of one another. Edmund gestured a fake vomit expression before running off to the parlor with Beth.

"Did you have to do that? I am feeling perfect and well, Anthony." Emma scolded, simply wanting more time with her only son. Anthony pulled her in by the waist and bent his head down to her neck. He placed soft kisses along her collarbone, teasing her. Emma moaned as the touch was addictive and effective. Anthony chuckled at her tiny noises, finding her enjoyment entertaining.

"Dear, sadly we must depart, but I will see you later for pallmall," Emma said as she fixed the sleeves of her dress. Anthony slowly rubbed his thumb over his lips and grinned.

"Where are you off to now, my love?" Anthony wondered for the two were to set up the game together before the rest of his family arrived at the estate.

"I do not trust you when it comes to playing by the rules, you are known to be ambitious Anthony," Emma replied before picking up the sides of her frock. She shot him a wide smile and then left the room.

Anthony laughed as he adjusted his coat. He ran his fingers through his hair as if to tidy the mess. Life was perfect and he was absolutely in love with the woman that surprisedly married him. She brought his good side out, but it didn't take much of an effort for she was the reason he even had one. That once cold stone heart flourished into the most beautiful red rose. The Gardner watering such a beaut was no other than, Emma Harrington herself. 

The flower drips water of love, leaving bubbled dews that shine brighter than pearls. - Emma H.d

Another two years went by and Emma gave birth to their second born. They named him Myles Bridgerton, he had beady green eyes with hazelnut hair like his father. The little boy was adventurous and wanted to explore all the gardens and learn about every single plant on earth. Myles was a spitting image of Emma when she was his age, perhaps she could teach him a thing or two about catching bees.

Charlotte was born five years after the others, she looked just like her mama, with luminescent green eyes, a white shade of pale, and short. The one thing that Emma had not passed down to her daughter was light brown colored hair. She was caring and kind, only wanting the best for her family. The little girl reminded Emma of her sister, Jenny.

Mary came eight years after the last, making her the youngest of the bunch. She had dark hair and storytelling brown blackish eyes. She was realistic about her siblings, stood up for herself constantly, and never went down without a fight. She knew a thing or two when it came to playing competitively, the resemblance of Anthony's personality was quite scary.

Many more years were to come and that led to more obstacles to overcome, but that never stopped a Bridgerton from being happy.


Jenny's ending:

Jenny and Louis Blandford got married a year before Edmund was born. The couple traveled to the Harrington cottage for their honeymoon. Jenny could never stay there long for her home would always be in Mayfair, London. It was her father's dying wish for her to say one last goodbye there before setting off to live a married life.

After the relaxing vacation, the two bought a nice big house near Emma and Anthony. She finally decided to bear children at the age of 20, coincidentally being pregnant at the same time as her sister. The firstborn was a boy who they named Elijah, he had soft brown curly hair with dark chocolate eyes. He was the shy type and always hung around his mother, she never seemed to mind the company for it was pleasing.

Baby boys seemed to run through the family, Jenny's secondborn was another male named Ralph. Jenny gave birth to him three years after Elijah. He had messy dark hair with blue ocean eyes. He was a jokester that loved to play pranks on the maids or staff, especially his young sisters Anne and Henrietta. The two youngest were twins with platinum blonde hair and fudge-round eyes. They were close with Emma's daughter, Charlotte, which was a year older than the twins.

Perhaps the friendship amongst this new family will strengthen the love in their souls for one another.


Luke's ending:

The eldest Harrington got married to a young chestnut, who owned her cake shop across from Gunter's. The ton shamed men for marrying such despicable women, but Luke didn't mind the rumors and a ruined reputation. Lady Wendy was extremely sweet and courageous, not needing to depend on anyone around her. She never wanted kids like every other woman, but she wished for a life with Lord Harrington no matter what the consequences. Emma's brother never seemed like the man to be a father figure anyway, only a husband that promises a loving marriage and protection. The two lived in a decent-sized house across from Mayfair, not too big, but good enough to fit their standards.

Luke made it his goal to not mess up this part of his life like in the past. He had to take care of Wendy and be serious about their future together.

The whole family was complete, and the last key to the puzzle was attached to the corner of the picture frame. Nothing could change the bond between two families, whose hearts were covered in gold. No train wreck could destroy them for they were the strongest in the ton. Their love seemed greater than anything and as long as they stay by each other's side everything would be alright.


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