Chapter 12 - Love is Medicine

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That night, Anthony's POV:

Screams of affliction echoed through the thick walls. Voices chattered as the person's feet paced back and forth passed the guest chamber. Anthony hid in his study, sitting on the beige sofa that was pressed up against a window. His hands covered both ears as he closed his eyes. No longer able to hear her suffering, a tear fell from his cheek dropping onto the wooden floor.

The feeling of losing someone he loved caused a pit in his stomach. What would life be without Emma? Her smile brighten any room she stepped into. The ton enjoyed the excitement that she rubbed off on to others, someone would say she is free-spirited. Existence would not be the same without her presence on this earth, even the Queen spoke highly of the young lady.

"I need a drink.." Anthony mumbled as he stood up and grabbed his brown coat.

The gentlemen's club collected broken hearts, which Anthony hoped it would do to his. The place gave the men another chance to escape the strangling grasp of their partners or the ability to repair any scar or deep cut from unwanted pasts. It was Anthony's favorite establishment before Emma came along and ruined every bit of his rakish reputation.

The door of the study slammed shut as the Viscount headed out of the estate, leaving the tears that consumed the floor to leak beneath the wooden planks.

The Duke sat at a small circular table with one more chair left. unoccupied. He guzzled down a shot of alcohol as Anthony took a seat next to him.

"You had to get out of there too?" Simon asked then slid a shot of bourbon across the table. Anthony's caught the tiny glass cup and gulped it till every drop disappeared on his tongue. The muscles in his face scrunched up as the strong liquid left his throat.

"She might not make it, Simon." Anthony murmured. Simon fidgeted with the empty shot glass in front of him before speaking.

"Do not talk like that, we must hope for the best." Simon replied. "It should have been me, it is all my fault." Anthony exclaimed, frowning as guilt hit him.

"How could you have possibly known she would be there?" Simon questioned. He rolled his eyes at the pitiful view then stood up and adjusted the collar of his reddish coat. He grabbed the black hat hanging from the chair and walked over to slouched man in front of him.

"When your done whining come back and check up on her." Simon suggested then stepped away.

"I need a prostitute." Anthony blurted out and stood up as well. Simon turned back around and stopped him from moving any further. "What on earth for?" Simon asked.

So I can forget about today." Anthony answered. A sigh came from Simon's mouth, "Think before you make such a rational decision." Simon advised as he gripped on to Anthony's shoulders.

"Pleasure only makes you forget for the moment. I thought of to be wiser than that." Simon scolded. Anthony insisted the Duke let go of him before things got out of hand, to which Simon did. He stared at him one more time in disapproval before leaving.

Across the room stood a tall red head, who wore a dark green gown with complimentary rhinestones from top to bottom. She walked with her head high as her arms stayed behind her back. As she made her rounds to other guys, she caught glimpse of the Viscounts gaze on her, then watched him as he snatched a glass of bourbon from one of the guests tables. he wasn't known for stealing, but it was needed for what lied ahead. He took a deep breath then walked up to the woman.

The woman placed a hand on the Viscounts coat and smiled at his charming features underneath. She couldn't yet see much, but his frame was enough for the imagination to go wild in her head. Anthony chugged the liquid with one gulp then stared back at the lady who couldn't get her hands off of his chest. A whisper flew in and out of her ears as the eldest Bridgerton spoke of what he desired the most.

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