Chapter 6 - The Modiste

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The blurry view started to clear up as an outline of two figures appeared. She blinks a couple of times before observing the unexpected visitors, it was the Bridgerton brothers. They stood side to side while Colin hid his hands behind his back and Benedict studied the shocked expression on Emma's face.

"What are you two doing here?" Emma asked.

"We came to apologize for Anthony. He had no reason to make you feel the way you did." Colin replied. Benedict had a big goofy grin stretching out his face as he listened to his brother speak. Colin caught glimpse of the staring and shared a "weirded out" look. He elbowed him in the arm, suggesting he speak up then looked back at Emma. Benedict cleared his throat and put a hand on the door frame while the other rested on his hip.

"There are always other options, Miss Harrington." Benedict winked causing Emma to giggle. She accidentally let out a loud snort, she brought the gloves hand to her nose and contained the laughter. "I would not know who to choose, therefore I can not pick." Emma joked. He brought a hand up to his heart and threw his head down. "You hurt my soul..". She giggled again before the other man to their left ended the conversation.

"Brother what is the matter with you." Colin scoffed.
A smile spread across her face as she watched the two showing sibling love (They were mean mugging each other). Emma peeped behind Colin to reveal what was in his hands, it was a bouquet of bright yellow roses. "Are those for me, my lord?" Emma wondered as her eyes took in their beauty. Colin positioned the flowers in front of him and fixed the lace ribbon holding them together.

"Yes, indeed they are. Benedict informed me that you liked roses." Colin admitted, giving up the bundle of flowers. Emma stared at them in confusion as she handed the roses over to Beth.

"Benedict, how could you possibly know my favorite flower? Are you stalking me now.." Emma bantered. He rubbed the back of his neck before acting the part. "You caught me, my lady."

He explained the real reason he knew of the flowers.
"I overheard the maids talking about replacing the dead roses in your chamber at our last meeting."

"It is still rather stalkerish if you ask me." Emma teased with a giggle. Benedict was just about to answer Harrington when a cough broke the interaction.

"This conversation is going well, but I would like to not stand in the doorway forever," Colin complained, gesturing inside. He felt jealous of all the attention his brother was getting and wanted to have a moment to speak as well.

"My apologies, come along," Emma instructed and then led the men to the parlor.

They sat down next to each other and started a conversation involving Anthony. They apologized for a second time for his behavior and wished to make it up to her. She insisted that it was quite alright and said how she has forgotten about Anthony since their arrival and just wanted to enjoy the company.

"I could paint something lovely for you, only if you would like," Benedict replied. Emma exchanged a look of surprise.

"You paint? I did not know you did such things." Emma questioned, twirling her hair. Once again, he was interrupted as Colin coughed to change the discussion. It was clear he was getting impatient and Emma didn't want to bother him much longer, so she pulled her attention onto him.

"Our mother also sent us here to remind you of the modiste today," Colin mentioned. Emma quickly glanced over to the clock, it was almost past lunch and she hasn't even gotten ready yet.

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