Chapter 17 - Promises Shall be Kept

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The next day was a misty morning consisting of thin clouds floating on the ground. The weak light of the morning looked filmy as it passed through the air. Grey-like stratus clung to everything it could, shrubs, buildings, and one more of importance, the Bridgertons horse stable.

All of Mayfair remained silent and the reason was obvious. It was only a quarter till five o'clock.

Emma held the excessive fabric that constantly dangled in front of her feet while looking at the stable door. This time it was locked, possibly because of it being so early no one was hardly awake. She thought for a moment then remembered the stable having a back door and paced in the direction.

Emma paused her steps as she noticed a silver feeding bucket in between the door frame and the door. The staff must have left it open to let cool air in the build for the animals, she thought as she moved the bucket out of the way and walked in. Most of the horses were still asleep, snoring like humans and vibrating the walls. Okay, maybe she was being dramatic, but the horses sounded like Anthony when he talk of nonsense. Emma giggled at her musings before reaching the only horse that had risen from their slumber, Bumblebee. The crunching sound of footsteps from her riding boots echoed throughout the stable as she unlocked the wooden gate and let the desperate animal out.

Loud neighs roared of excitement, almost waking up half of the other horses near them. "Shush or I will think twice about doing this for you!" Emma whispered, pointing her finger at the horse's snout. An aggressive huff came from the animal's nose out of impatience for waiting. 

"Can you stop your whining, my promise shall be kept." Emma scolded, throwing a saddle over the dark brownish horse. She tied the reins around him and the rest of the gear before hopping on. Bumblebee stomped his hooves out of eagerness, he waited for the gentle pat against his side as a signal to go.

"Alright, on wander!" Emma instructed, removing her hand from his side and back onto the reins, gripping them tightly for safety.

They were off.

The horse was quicker than she imagined. He zoomed through the back of the estate, heading straight for the field where she rode before. They leaped in the air, jumping over a small cut-down tree then landed back in the grass again. Emma felt that strange feeling again, the feeling of being free. She laughed from the thrilling experience as a spirit soared with her. The ghost of the past.

The memories with her father came rushing back, stinging her eyes with salty water.

"Papa catches up or Luke will win!" Young Emma shouted as she sat behind her father with her arms wrapped around him. The two of them watched the view of the forest flash passed their eyes within seconds as they tried to catch up to the teen boy. "Hang on, papa's going to go a little fast." Lord Harrington instructed, having to raise his tone for her to hear. The sound of galloping vocalized the wind, syncing the two together and making a relaxing melody.

Emma slowly let go of the grip on her father and spread her arms out wide. Taking in the breeze that swooshed against her body and giggling at the exhilaration from it. Her father turned to look at what she was doing, when he realized it, he smiled and then turned back around to continue steering the horse.

"You ready Bumblebee!" Lord Harrington yelled as he rode rapidly passed her brother. Emma grabbed ahold of her father again and laughed continuously.

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