Week Of Beginnings 🔛

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It's not that Nani was afraid of him, but he needs to be smart, the job was relatively easy, the difficulty really was in the people who were quite different from what he was used to. He finished cleaning and left quickly, and luckily he didn't see Win.

After that he helped his duo into another room, then stayed in the back of the school listening to music and waiting for the time for the third and final round of cleaning.

After finishing his work Nani went straight home, getting there, took a shower and had a pork bone soup, it didn't take long and he went to bed, before going to sleep he changed his alarm to wake up 10 minutes earlier, and he would hang up right away, but his hands took him to Instagram and before he knew it he was looking at Win's Instagram again...

The next day Nani repeated the steps of the previous day, with the difference of being 10 minutes before, he arrived at school and cleaned room 023 first and quickly to go to the other one.

As planned, he ended early and didn't run into Win. Nani repeated this same routine throughout the week and everything went very well for him, on Saturday he received confirmation that he had indeed won the spot and was very happy.

Leaving school that day, he decided to stop by a place and eat something and then take a bus at another time, as a light celebration, he ordered rice with spicy omelet, pork bone soup and also shrimp porridge.

He decided to look at Win's Instagram again, Nani wasn't sure why but he kept doing it all week, he finished his cleaning fast after his first meeting with Win and because of that, he hasn't seen him again since, which is exactly what he did, but he also wanted to see him for some reason he still didn't understand.

Going through Instagram, his finger accidentally clicked "follow", he even did the action to undo, but decided to leave, Win had a lot of followers and would never notice that he was following him anyway. So what's the problem? He thought.

On Win's Instagram there were not only beautiful photos, but many videos of him dancing, there were even presentations of him as a child, Nani didn't know why but liked to see him dancing...

~ Someone who does what he loves and does it with love and dedication ~

Nani wasn't used to seeing someone doing something so passionately, her mother was always stressed with work, her father was always frustrated with work, Nani worked to help around the house and was always tired with work.

Seeing someone doing something he enjoys was inspiring, Nani didn't know exactly what he wanted to do in his life, if ever something touched his heart before it was when he saw a boy playing the piano, but deep in his heart he wished he could find out something he can love as much as Win loves ballet.


Win *

Win's week was one of intense practices together with Korine, he barely slept well or did anything different during the week, but when he finished his practice on Saturday, he made a point of coming home later and doing something different.

When he finished his practice on Saturday, he decided to eat something, he was going to eat at a restaurant with Korine but she ended up canceling because she had an unforeseen, passing with the car in front of a street restaurant he saw a familiar face...

~ Is it him? ~

Win eyed the individual slowly and yes, it was indeed the cleaner he saw earlier in the week, he hasn't seen him again since that day.

Street food wasn't exactly something Win would go for, but for some reason he decided to eat there. He parked nearby and went there.

- Excuse me, can I sit with you?

- Of course, all b-

When Nani took her eyes off the soup and looked at the person, her voice automatically caught in mid-answer.

And how would it be different, it was Win standing right in front of him, what did he want in a common place like this?

- It's all right? Can I sit?

- Y-yes of course!

Win soon sat down opposite him, and was facing Nani who in turn avoided eye contact with him, so Win looked in the other direction.Soon the waitress came to him.

- Hello good night, what do you want?

Win looked at what Nani had ordered.

- Is this soup good?

- Huh? Yes it is...

- I'll want the same as him!

- Okay, now I'll bring your order.

- sheltered.

After the waitress left the atmosphere seemed strange and silence was between them, as Nani looked like she wasn't going to say anything, Win decided to take the initiative.

- Sorry, I just realized I don't even know your name...

Nani looked a little confused but continued with the dialogue even though he was strangely shy.

- My name is Nani, Nani Hirunkit

- Right Nani, my name is Win, Win Metawin

- Yeah, I know, they told me about you

- I believe so...

The mood got weird again, but the waitress came back with Win's order, which made the conversation reignite.

- The soup is really good. Do you always eat here?

- Not exactly, I mean, this is actually my first time here, I live in a far away neighborhood.

- I can't remember the last time I ate in a place like this, maybe in high school hiding with my friends. And you know what? I don't even eat a lot of Thai food

- Serious? How is this possible?

- Well, my mom likes Japanese food a lot and my dad loves Italian cuisine, I like Portuguese cuisine a lot

- It must be pretty cool to eat different things every day

- Yeah but... It's also nice to eat something simple like a pork bone soup once in a while you know...

Win's response was different from what Nani expected, and in fact he was different from what he imagined, there was no air of superiority, arrogance or anything like that, that Nani saw in other students at that school.

Not that he'd heard any bad rumors about Win, but he was actually surprised by his demeanor as he seemed kind of unapproachable, but look at them now. They're talking and eating pork bone soup at a stall in the middle of the street. Who would have guessed?

- But isn't it just you going out and eating on the street?

But Win's expression totally changed, seeming to be annoyed as he looked away thoughtfully. Nani didn't know exactly if he said something wrong but decided to keep quiet.

To be continued...

NANIWIN: AFTER YOUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang