17: Day 3: Schemes

Start from the beginning

They wanted them to feel how hard the reality could crush them. The plan is Hitoshi will purposely let himself get arrested by the villain. Of course, they will do it in a not so obvious way.

Heroes need concrete evidence for them to be able to capture a villain. Otherwise, even if they knew Hitoshi is a villain, he could only be jailed for 2 hours, and he will be immediately release.

Another purpose of this plan is to let Izuku and Katsuki face the Heroes for their fourth day scheme. They will not be able to do anything to them like before. The three strategist is slowly crumbling the mentality and confidence of the heroes.

Using schemes, manipulation, and psychology, they are planting in their mind on how those titles they have will not protect them always and there's always been someone powerful than them.

The three strategist of Villain Team is creating a maze plan with multiple ways how to achieve their goal.

They had been planning this for one month. Carefully cultivate the plan on how to teach the heroes a lesson they wouldn't forget.


With the new information they got, the hero team is getting pumps up to capture the "Villain". Kaminari, who's one of their computer expert, monitor the Cameras and finding the former big three and two of Shiketsu Student.

They immediately found out that the big three is in the park and the two Shiketsu student is in the mall.

"This is so easy!" Kaminari grin. Most of them are happy that they will manage to capture some villain for today. Shoto and Kendo are both getting ready for the Charity Event later at 5 pm. The two were invited to this charity for the donation they give them.

And since they are using Endeavor's card, Shoto didn't really care how much money he wasted from his father's bank account. Momo create them a formal suit as the girls put make up for Kendo.

"Just monitor them, and we will attack at 7 after we arrive!" Shoto commanded. The heroes nodded.

Kaede Kayano, their PR, is also really useful for the heroes. She was actually the one to tell their appointments like this because they focus too much on the rules, they forgot to look at their schedules. With Kaede's superior skills, they manage to finish three difficult tasks for today.

But today, Kaede told them that her friends are invited her to the amusement park, so she can't help them that much for today. They are too pleased to her performance, so they let them.

Too bad, they wouldn't know these schedule was given to them by Kaede, so they could "help" the villain in doing 5 additional difficult tasks. Kaede is really an excellent actress for making the heroes believe she was helping them than what she was actually doing.

Who cares if the villain is helping the heroes do their task? It's just a small sacrifices compare to what they would gain using those methods. Villains weren't afraid of taking risk. But doing this, they also deducted, calculated, and predicted the outcome, putting probabilities and logic, the risk will get lower by exponential number.


Shoto and Kendo arrive in the Charity Event. The two were greeted by the host, thanking them for the donation they give. The two just nodded and went inside. Shoto could see that the event looks like the business party he often attended with Endeavor. The food was served to their table as they watch the stage.

"This is a bit boring, Todoroki-san!" Kendo said and sigh. She just took some juice to drink because they don't know that much people in UA.

"Just endure it, it's not that bad like those party I went," Shoto said. Kendo sigh and just wait for the party to finish, chanting that they need to finish this since it's a difficult task.

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