Chapter 15 : Game over

Start from the beginning

During that, I think other researchers were at the door by now.
I look at the door that moves violently under the blows, the door will not last long we must move !!

Juyeon holds the door and says ;

Juyeon : " Jump !!! "

JuHaknyeon is the first one to go for safety, Ivy goes right after.
The door was being brutally hit and began to crack !

No, no, no, no...

Kevin : " I going to hold the door to save some time for you guys !!! "

Y/N : " No ! KEVIN !!! " i shouted but he was already away.

Jacob : " I'm gonna help you man, don't do this alone it's you and me this time !! " and he follows Kevin.

I try to stop them but Juyeon holds my wrist.

Juyeon : " Y/N NO !! Leave them, they will be fine. You need to jump !! "

Y/N : " WHAT !! NO way i'm leaving you guys there-..."

Juyeon : " We will be fine don't worry about us, now JUMP !!! "

I didn't want to and wanted to step back but out of the blue Juyeon pushed me and I fell...

Juyeon : " Sorry Y/N....but you need to stay safe "

I land on the floor in a corridor.

Ju Haknyeon runs toward me with Ivy.

Ju Haknyeon : " Where are the others !!? "

Y/N : " Kevin, Jacob and Juyeon are holding up some time so we could escape, i wanted to stay but Juyeon just pushed me !! "
I answer madly.

Ivy looked at me worriedly.

Ivy : " Where is Bella ?!! "

My widened my eyes and look through the hole in the ceiling from which i came out.

Y/N : " She must be with the boys " I said worried.

Ivy : " She didn't jump !? "

Y/N : " She didn't have-..."

Ju Haknyeon puts a finger on our lips to both of us keeping us quiet, then he pulls us behind a wall.

We gave him a confused look, he removes his finger and said.

Ju Haknyeon : *Whispers* " There are researchers over there !! We need to move ! "

Y/N : *whispers* " But the others !? " I ask.

Ju Haknyeon : " They will be fine, i know the guys, they are my friends. Don't worry...Bella is in good hands " he told us.

I think for a moment and nodded, he is right she's safe with them.

Y/N : " Okey, let's move ! "

I peek behind the wall to have a look of the researchers or should i say the criminals...

They are going in another direction, it's or chance !!

Y/N : " Let's go !! " i said and we started to run the opposite way.

Ju Haknyeon in front and me and Ivy behind, i hold her hand while running.


We run for about ten or fifteen minutes, trying to find a hiding spot.

Ju Haknyeon : " Other there !! He points a door with written kitchen on it, these are the kitchens i think. He opens the door and hold it to let us enter.
Once in he close the door, locking it.

Ivy : " I can't see a thing, it's dark in here "

Ju Haknyeon start looking for the switch.

Ju Haknyeon  : " I think i found it ! " We heard a click sound and the lights switched on.

But...a second after, we all held back our screams.

All around the room....everywhere...there were bodies...dead bodies....and blood...

I thought i was gonna vomit...

It was the bodies of the other participants, surely from this round and the previous one's.

These people are monsters !!!!!

Ju Haknyeon : " I know it's a lot to ask but if we hide here, nobody while come here for us, think about it " he said, i have to admit that this is smart.

Y/N : " I have to say that it's smart "

Ivy : " Ok, but please let's hide where their is no bodies around us ! "

We agree and went in a cold room, i switched the lights from the room off to not sound suspect.
The room was a bit cold but it was bearable, we had a little bit of light from the moon through the window. We are sitting in a corner sticked together.
We didn't fully closed the door to not stay stuck in there.

Ivy : " Fortunately, there is no body in here, i feel sad when i see them. They lost their life for a stupid so called 'game' from a horful man, it's terrible...why ? "

Y/N : " I-I don't know..." I look down.

Ju Haknyeon : " You girls should have some sleep...i will stay up to stand guard " he said.

Ivy : " No, don't worry about us, you should-..." She got cutted of.

Ju Haknyeon : " I said have some sleep, no buts "

I look at her and we sight, unable to do anything against his worlds.

Y/N & Ivy : " Good Night "

Ju Haknyeon : " Good Night "

I close my eyes thinking about a lot of things, is Rose okay ? Bella ? The guys ? And everything...
Why was this happening ? For what purpose ?...i thought.
But unfortunately, sleep takes over and i fall asleep.

[ P.O.V - Ju Haknyeon ]

Time goes on, the girls are sleeping and i feel sleepy too.

I look at Y/N as my eyes are slowly closing, through all of this situation, my lips still succeed to crack a small smile and then i fall asleep.

~ Time Skip ~

I wake up by a voice in the speakers, it was Mr.Kim.

Ivy and Y/N wake up, i could see the sun shine through the window. It's morning...

Mr.Kim : " The game is over...congratulations to the survivors...!!! "

▪ To be continued ▪

I'm really sorry for not posting earlier, i was busy :( . I still hope you enjoyed this episode. Thank you for your time ^^

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