Remus was right outside her door, seated on the floor with his head on the wall, sleeping. She almost cried again, mostly because of how bad she felt for having him sleep on the floor for two evenings straight.

"Remus." She murmured, shaking him slightly. "Go sleep, love."

His eyes fluttered open, and he shot up, engulfing her in a hug. Callisto reciprocated the hug, almost falling on him from the exhaustion. For better or for worse, he didn't notice, kissing her forehead.

"I'm all awake, don't worry."

Perhaps he was taking advantage of the fact that she was too tired to argue, because she nodded, heading for the living room.

Sirius and James were sleeping on the couch, Callisto's heart clenching at the sight of the older Black. She had always thought their resemblance was something unimportant, but now, she struggled to distinguish between the living and the dead.

She filled a glass with water, not even caring for Remus' gaze on her as she downed three pills, letting the glass back in the sink.

"Do you want to talk?"


"Is there something I can do?"

"Can you bring him back?" She asked, her voice hoarse. Remus didn't reply, instead shaking his head slightly. "Then no, you can't."

"I wish I could." He sighed. "For both of you... and for him too."

Callisto looked away, biting her lip.

"You should go to sleep."

Remus just nodded, and headed to the room. It was obvious she wanted to be alone.

~ ~ ~

When Callisto received a second letter, she had refused to open it. Sirius was the bravest out of the two, finally opening the white folder just to pull out a handwritten letter by none other than Narcissa Malfoy.

An apology for what had happened at the wedding (Sirius hadn't questioned that), and an invitation to Regulus' funeral, addressed to both of them.

"Thank you." Sirius had said, before they left, taking her hand. "For taking care of him. You were a better sister to him, than I ever was a brother to him."

It's my fault he's dead.

"I failed."

"We all did." He murmured, as they both apparated to the location Narcissa had given them. The woman had hidden a lot of details, namely the fact that the only guests were Andromeda Tonks, Tobias Nott, Callisto, Sirius and herself. No other family, no other friends, just six people, dressed in black from head to toe, gathered in a small clearing by the sea.

Sirius immediately walked over to his cousin as Callisto embraced Narcissa, the smaller woman's arms wrapping around her tightly. Tobias stood by politely, with a far-off expression in his eyes, hugging Callisto for a brief moment before he returned back to staring into nothingness.

Callisto avoided his gaze for the rest of the funeral. There was emptiness behind his eyes, a lost expression that was so unsalvageable, she never wanted to experience it. He looked completely broke, as if he was a living and breathing corpse. Regulus had stolen his life the moment his own had ended, and he had left behind nothing but a hollow shell of a man.
Was that how she would feel if something happened to Remus?
She shuddered at the thought, immediately pushing it away.

It soon became clear that the funeral wasn't something Regulus' parents had decided on. Callisto was sure that they would turn up, but when that didn't happen, she visibly relaxed next to Sirius. There was no body to be buried. Narcissa and Tobias had just gathered some of his belongings in a box; just some pictures, his Quidditch jersey, the sweater with "Regina White" plastered on the front, and some of his books. Callisto had left her copy of his favorite book by the grave, while Sirius had left the ring that was always on his ring finger. Andromeda was holding on a dark green blanket for dear life, until she left it with all the other items.

The box was safely buried under the ground, covered in soil. Instead of a tombstone, Tobias had charmed a rock to fall on top of the grave, the initials R.A.B engraved on it.

Tobias didn't stay much longer, leaving immediately after the 'funeral' ended. Sirius was talking with Andromeda a few meters away, leaving Narcissa and Callisto alone.

The two women stayed silent for a bit, until Narcissa spoke.

"I'm sorry."

Callisto didn't reply.

"I didn't really think it through." She continued. "Callisto, I can't be alone."

"You're not alone."

"I am alone; or at least I feel that way. I just-I miss you and I don't really care about what happens anymore. I want to be able to go out with you, and invite you for a fucking drink in my house and then send you back to Lupin when you get tipsy." She rambled on, wiping her eyes. "I am locked inside for walls. It's like I'm carrying the fucking plague."


"It's unfair of me to ask you that, but I just miss how things used to be so, so much and I-"


"I just wish I could turn back time." Narcissa continued, completely oblivious to Callisto calling her name. That was until Callisto placed a hand in front of Narcissa's lips, muffling her voice.

"We're having dinner together on Friday." Callisto stated. "I'll send you the address to my place. Burn the letter the moment you get it."

Narcissa's eyes widened in concern. "Are you both okay?"


"You and your annoying boyfriend."

"Remus. It's okay, you can say his name." Callisto teased, a tired smile on her lips. It physically hurt to smile at such a time. "He doesn't bite."

Narcissa smiled innocently.

"Oh, but I thought he was a werewolf."

"One night every month." Callisto casually responded, Narcissa's words not settling in her head for a brief moment. Her eyes widened the moment she realized what the blonde had said, her head snapping to her direction.

"I'm not an idiot." She stated. "He- Regulus told me about Damocles Belby. I know for a fact that you wouldn't have done something like that, unless someone you cared about was in trouble. All roads lead to Rome, Callie."

"Narcissa, you-"

"I won't tell a soul." She swore. "I haven't told a soul."

"Regulus knew too." Callisto said, her eyes trailing over to the grave. Andromeda had left a makeshift bouquet of flowers on the ground, while Sirius had his head resting on the rock.

"Regulus always knew too much for his own good." Narcissa sighed. "Perhaps that's why he never left any of that knowledge behind. He didn't want us to end up in the same situation he did."

"Do you know who did it?" Callisto asked, her voice breaking. "Someone-something, must have done it."

"The Dark Lord."

"But, Regulus was-"

"Regulus wasn't. He never convinced him, he never convinced anyone." Narcissa harshly said. "Voldemort did it, one way or another."

"And now?"

Narcissa's eyes were burning with anger when she turned to look at Callisto.

"This is just the beginning."

~ ~ ~
I'm sorry.

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