Chapter 13

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" don't know when to quit!! think as sling as you don't give up, it will work out somehow, don't you? That arrogance causes you to keep recklessly attacking opponents you can't beat and makes it easy to mortally wound you!!" Vetto growled in anger as Asta was gritting his teeth from the pain, feeling faint in his arms as he felt the strength leaving him.

"The idea of trash like you holding the Demon-Slayer Sword and the Demon-Dweller Sword makes me sick!!! You never had any hope of winning. Go on...scream!! Despair!!"

Screaming out in pain, Asta used his remaining strength to bite down as hard as he good onto Vetto's arm as Sua started falling to her knees from the exhaustion, exerting more mana than usual as she was forced to adapt to Asta's swords destroying her spells. Saying something as he bit his arm, it was completely inaudible to Vetto as he questioned what the boy had said and left an opening for sound magic to attack his arm, releasing his grip.

"Hm?" Vetto started, disinterested as he had been so close to retrieving the swords they had been after.

"It looks like your animal hearing wasn't sharp enough to pick that up." Noelle's voice said, Sua slowly turning her head towards the new intruders as she did not recognize the other mage with her.

"He said, 'If I gave up, who could I protect?!!'" They exclaimed together, opening their grimoires as they prepared for the tough battle that had wiped out the majority of the members present.

Third Person POV

"Are you next? You'd better entertain me at least a little!!" Vetto laughed, amused that there were more people he could fight as he had been met with disappointment.

Noelle scanned the area to see how not only were her fellow members all taken down, but Sua had barely been able to withstand her injuries against this opponent. Becoming nervous over how strong this opponent seemed to be, Asta had rushed up from the ground in an attempt to slice Vetto.

"Not done yet!!" He gritted before being slashed at, throwing him towards the nearby rock wall.

"ASTAA!!" Noelle exclaimed in shock and worry as the other mage with her had already prepared to protect him.

"Song Magic: Rhythm Cushion!!" She casted, a large pillow appearing in thin air as music notes surrounded it, successfully letting Asta land on the ground slowly as he passed out.

"Kahono! Thank you!" Noelle thanked the mage as she looked around, noticing the passed out figure of the male Asta had come in with earlier nearby.

"HEYYY!! BIG BROTHER!! What're you sleeping for?!! You promised we'd become an idol singer and a dancer, and be huge stars together!! What happened to that?!!" Kahono suddenly started screaming as Noelle and Sua flinched from how loud she had been. As soon as she finished yelling, her brother awoke and sprung up into a sitting position.

"Oh yeah!!" He exclaimed.

"Huh?! Brother?!" Noelle questioned in shock at the information shared.

"Yep. The idiot over there's my brother Kiato." Kahano introduced him.

"Who's an idiot?!"

"We both dream of going to the surface!!"

"That's right!! This is for the sake of that dream too! I can't just nap here!!"

The two of them had grouped up together after declaring their goals, preparing to launch an attack towards Vetto who had allowed all of them to talk.

"C'mon Kahono! Here we go!!"


"Combo Spell: Sea God Slash!" They casted together, Kiato dancing gracefully with the sound waves as they had soon surrounded his blades and flowed with him, enhancing his skill as well as allowing for the ability to send slashes of magic towards the enemy.

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