Chapter 6

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Yuno's eyes widened as his cheeks flushed ever so slightly, not used to being so heavily supported by someone he didn't know much about. They were about the same age, if not Yuno was older than her, but he had never met somebody like this before.

"And you know? You're not too bad to talk too! You just seem way more awkward than Asta would ever be." She laughed aloud.

"Don't compare me to him, he has no redeeming qualities when it comes to interacting with others." He deadpanned, staring her straight in the eyes as they let a long moment pass over.

Chuckling aloud, the two of them enjoyed the much lighter atmosphere that had settled upon them.

"Well, it seems like I should be going now. I'll catch you later Yuno!" Sua excitedly said, waving towards him as she prepared to fly back.

Allowing himself to wave her off, Yuno boosted her up with his magic to help her lift off as she laughed towards the night sky.

Be careful...wait why am I saying that, I don't know them that well...

Third Person POV

After Sua had made it back late in the night, Yami dragged her back to the capital to get her wrists healed, but due to the nature of the magic they were still frail. She was told by Dr. Owen that her wrists had almost shattered, but luckily she stopped herself before it had gotten to that extent. Her arms were now wrapped with bandages, courtesy of Dr. Owen as a reminder to lessen the usage of them.

The next morning arrived quickly as the rest of the members had awoken and were currently messing around trying to name their new companion. An anti-bird seemed to make its way onto Asta's head over their first mission, accompanying him everywhere.

"Heads up, guys. A new dungeon was just discovered." Yami announced to the members as Sua stood next to him ready to await orders.

Everyone froze in shock as their attention was grabbed by the sudden news.


"Is that for real, Mister Yami?!" Magna exclaimed as he quickly stood up from sitting on top of Asta.

"WHOOOOOOOOOAAA!!' Asta yelled as he stood up, getting pumped at the news.

"What's a dungeon?!" He then questioned, not knowing exactly what was being talked about.

"Are you for real?! You don't know what dungeons are?!" Magna then retorted, sweat dripping in disbelief at the lack of knowledge their newest member possessed.

"Then why were you surprised?"

"Just going with the flow."

"Dungeons are like ancient tombs. They hold relics left behind by people from waaaaay back. Sometimes they've got methods for using powerful ancient magic and super valuable magical items! They're awesome!!" He was hyped from even explaining them as Asta's eyes sparkled with amazement.

"But the people back then set crazy magic traps so nobody could use that stuff for evil. They're super fun, dangerous places!" Luck cut in, jumping up from the cough as he went to hug Sua from behind. Resting his head on top of her, his nonchalant explanation didn't match the words that he had said.

"Because of the danger and so the relics aren't stolen for nasty reasons, the Magic Knights always explore them." Vanessa added as it seemed to lessen some of the tension in the air.

"Especially this dungeon. It showed up near the border of a hostile country! This has to be done perfectly the first time so what's in there isn't stolen!" Yami explained, leaving no room for nonsense as this was a serious mission.

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