Chapter 17

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Stopping her from rambling on, Yuno took his hand and put it on top of her head, tucking it in with his neck. He then chose to lay on his side and hug her closer to him to provide some sort of comfort.

"Being scared doesn't entirely mean that you are a weak person. I don't know what anyone else would have done in your shoes. I think being able to admit to this so-called 'weakness' of yours makes you that much stronger as a person, and I admire that a lot about you. We're the same age, and yet our experiences are drastic in comparison. Rely on your allies, don't push people away due to this fear." Yuno finished, talking the most Sua had ever heard from him before.

Nodding her head into his shoulder, Yuno patted her head as the two of them continued to lay there. For the first time ever, Sua was completely vulnerable to somebody. Usually when it came to people like Luck and Yami, they heard different parts of the full story, but Yuno was able to draw out everything in one sitting. There was something that drew her attention to him, but it wasn't something she was able to figure out.

Laying in the silence, as well as the darkness that overwhelmed them in the room due to the nighttime, they slowly drifted off to sleep.

Third Person POV

The sun shone brightly through the windows, rudely awakening Sua up as she groaned and turned over. At least, she attempted to turn over as there was something currently holding her in place. That something in question happened to be Yuno with both arms wrapped around her as her back was to his chest.

I didn't think he was a cuddler... Sua flushed, thinking to herself as she basked in the warmth of both the sun and Yuno's body heat. She laid there for what seemed to be like hours, before finally deciding it was time to get it. Carefully prying his arms off of her, she managed to weasel out of his hug due to being much smaller, replacing her body with a pillow. As she got off the bed to stretch, she realized that Yuno had once again removed her cape, shoes, and undid her hair for her. She smiled to herself as she walked over to his desk, picking up the hair ties. It was at this moment that she realized that Bell was currently sleeping on what seemed to be a small bed on his desk.

Weird, she wasn't here last night.

Not pondering too much about it, Sua tied her hair into two braids that flowed over her shoulders, still being relatively messy but she couldn't care less. She yawned as she exited the room after fixing her hair up slightly to go see some familiar faces. It was still really early in the morning, and most of the members she saw were not ones she was close with. As she continued on her path, she poked her head into a familiar office to try and find William, but was disappointed with an empty room.

As she saw no point in trying to wait around, she turned back to see if Yuno had awoken.

"Now what do you want?" A voice sneered from behind her, though there was no malice in their tone.

"Ew, it doesn't involve a rat like you." She sneakily said, only to receive a flick to the forehead. Sua returned the favor by flicking him back as Langris wasn't happy about the counterattack. "I was just hoping to catch your captain before I went on my way here. I have to finish up paperwork and complain to him as I did it."

"Hmm? Well, don't get me involved. I got stuff to do. Here, take this since you don't have the decency to cover yourself up." Langris said, unclipping the bottom portion of his cape to put it around Sua's shoulders. Looking down, she smiled as she realized she went out barefoot with just her dress, but who could blame her for being comfortable.

"Later." He left without another word as Sua stared off at his retreating figure. Langris had been acting strange for a while now and she couldn't help but link it to the possible unconscious traitor she discussed before with Marx and Julius. Shrugging it off, she figured he knew what he was doing and decided to head back to Yuno's room.

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