Chapter XLI

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„May I be honest?“ Penny looked at Fred as she searched her wardrobe for something suitable to wear.

„What kind of question is that anyway? Of course.“ Fred gave her a curious look as he leaned against the door frame.

„I’m so close to shitting my pants right now.“ she turned around and placed her thumb and forefinger together so that only a small gap could be seen and Fred snorted.

„But you’ll make it.“ he came to her and put his arms around her waist while she continued to rummage through her wardrobe.



„How about some sweatpants and one of my hoodies? After all, you want to be comfortable during your treatment.“ he kissed the side of her neck and grabbed one of her sweatpants and a plain gray hoodie from his side of the closet.

„That’ll probably do.“, she took the clothes from him and got dressed.

Today was the day of the first treatment and Penny was beyond anxious.

Fred has taken the whole day off so he can be there for her if she is going to feel unwell after visiting St Mungo’s, which was likely.

„Okay, I’m done.“ she put her hands on her hips and looked at Fred.

„Alright. Let’s go then.“ together they left the flat to apparate to the hospital.

They stood in front of the building that appeared to be an abandoned department store where they looked at each other before stepping trough the window and finding themselves at the entrance hall of St. Mungo’s.

„Are you ready?“ he looked at her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

„Nope.“ her voice was barely audible as they walked down the hallways together until they arrived where Penny’s treatment would take place.

A friendly young man who seemed to be waiting for her greeted them and led them into a room.

It was cosy, a large wing chair and a couch covered with pillows and blankets were in two corners of the room, a small coffee table stood next to the couch which had various drinks on it, hot water and tea bags as well.

In the background, soft music filled the room and the dimmed lights bathed the room in a pleasant, warm white.

Several magazines and books were on a shelf against the wall and there was even a small muggle TV in the room.

This was definitely not what Penny and Fred were expecting when they thought about the treatment, so they both stood, gaping, in the middle of the room, marveling at the furnishings.

„We want our patients to be as comfortable as possible, to feel at home and not in a hospital,“ explained the tall healer, who introduced himself as Thomas Spencer.

He was nearly as tall as Fred, with dark brown, short hair and green eyes shining through his black glasses, as he smiled at the married couple in front of him.

„Okay, I guess?!“ Penny smiled uncertainly and looked from Spencer to Fred, the latter just shrugged and flopped down on the sofa.

„Feel free to call me Thomas. We’ll be spending a lot of time together over the next few months. I’m assigned to you, which means you’ll have my undivided attention while you’re here,“ he explained after Penny sat down on the couch next to Fred and Healer Thomas sat down in the chair opposite.

„Hold on,“ Penny held up a finger, stopping Thomas.

„Does that mean you’re going to do the treatment?“ she asked and he nodded.

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